by Jordic Keswin:
"In an unprecedented show of force, an as yet unknown group, or groups, of Pirates have launched the most massive assault in more then 20 jazura on civilian shipping and stations. This assault occurred in the Gunne's Crusade Sector.
Two patrolling M7's were lost and a third was badly damaged before additional 'protection units' from the MacNaughton Corporation, the owner and operator the stations in Gunne's Crusade, were able to drive off the attackers.
Attacks were also launched against some of the MacNaugthon Corporation owned Equipment Docks in this Sector with an unknown number of persons lost.
Several freighters that happened to be in the Sector at the time were also fired upon with the complete loss of a large Paranid commercial fleet and several independent Boron cargo ships.
The Counsel of the Royal Family for the Boron is reviewing reports of the attack and have only made a statement of grief for the loss of life and concern for the disruption of commerce in this area.
Response from the Paranid as been more forceful and have made the promise of a 'Righteous Retribution' once the guilty party(s) are identified.
Spokes person for the MacNaughton Corporation, Salesse Chosin, read a statement from the Board of Directors saying that while rescue operations were still underway no additional comments would be forthcoming except to say that the company was unaware of any reason why this hostile act was made and that they would not speculate on why this "act of terror" took place.
It has been reported that the initial attack was made with by least two Brigantine class war ships and a large group of escorts.
Unconfirmed reports have surfaced that during initial rescue operations, a small Pirate force consisting of at least one Carrack class ship and several escort craft jumped in and fired at rescue vessels before jumping out of the Sector."
News Flash--X-universe Today
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Instruguey (13)
Instruguey (13)
It's not what someone has's about what they are about to do!
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