Game review section added

Tuesday 14th October, 2008 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

Over the pass few days you may of seen a new section on the site called 'reviews'. In this section me and WinkyWoofWoof are planning to review games from the PS2, PS3, PC, Wii, DS and many more.

You may wonder who WinkyWoofWoof is, either from this news post or from the arcade - where she constantly tries to beat everyone's score. Well WinkyWoofWoof is actually my mum.

I saw that my mum continuously buys new games for her PS2, DS and xbox. So I thought of asking her to review the games after she has played them.

I, on the other hand can review PS3, Wii and PC games; so between us we have a fairly good coverage and experience.

We have started the section with 3 reviews: GTA4, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and X3. We will be adding many more including Little Big Planet, Destroy all humans 1/2 and Grand Tursimo 5 Prologue.

You can find the review section either from clicking the 'review' tab or here. Any comments are welcome.


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