The upstairs project 2005 (Page 8)

The TV

Later on, around the 16th of February 2006, I finally got some money together can got an 'big' screen. The older 19" TFT was suppose to be an temporary one, however it lasted for an bit longer than planned. This was due to the prices of LCD's and lack of features on the larger LCD TV's, such as response times, connections etc. I still have many things to buy for the 'upstairs' such as an new chair, some cables, tv stand, maybe a playstaion3? etc. The 'upstairs' project has come a long way since it was first started and you can see for yourself, basically the 'upstairs' was stripped back to the bare skeleton structure, rebuilt and enforced. Heres the picture of the 'new' LCD in the 'upstairs':

Front TV

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