Split Scorpion Raider (m4)

Ship picture
A forerunner of this ship fought in the Boron Campaign and proved to be a very powerful opponent. Like most of the other split ships, this new design was more based on high speed engines and big weapon power, as in great shield strengths. Over the jazuras this ship had been totally up-dated and rearmed.

id SS_SH_S_M4_1
Hull strength 2,800 points
Shields 1 x 5 MJ Shield (1 mins, 3 secs, 100% efficiency)
Acceleration 46.1 to 138.4m/s
Engine speed 99 to 297.0m/s (x20 engine tunings)
Turn speed 18.5 to 55.6rpm (x20 rudder tunings)
Weapon energy 2,450 (+ 61.2J/sec)
Cargo-bay 28 - 81 (M)
Price 290,900 credits (100 notoriety points)
Production at HQ
15 mins, 7 secs.


6 x Cockpit
A-IRE Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
B-IRE Beta Impulse Ray Emitter
A-PAC Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon
B-PAC Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon
A-HEPT Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower
Mass Mass Driver



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