Boron Barracuda Raider (m3)

Ship picture
The Barracuda is a new development to replace the Eel. When the plans for the Barracuda were developed, it was made clear that the Eel was too out-dated. The Barracuda improved on the design with a new power generator. This then allowed for the weaponry to be upgraded and room for slightly increased cargo space and improved acceleration. As the Barracuda is now in service the Eel is no longer supported by the Boron Navy.

id SS_SH_B_M3_1
Hull strength 8,550 points
Shields 1 x 25 MJ Shield (1 mins, 51 secs, 100% efficiency)
Acceleration 21.9 to 54.7m/s
Engine speed 72 to 181.0m/s (x15 engine tunings)
Turn speed 24.4 to 61.1rpm (x15 rudder tunings)
Weapon energy 3,400 (+ 85.0J/sec)
Cargo-bay 56 - 187 (M)
Price 1,374,000 credits (3,333 notoriety points)
Where to buy
Production at HQ
1 hour, 11 mins, 28 secs.


8 x Cockpit
A-IRE Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
B-IRE Beta Impulse Ray Emitter
A-PAC Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon
B-PAC Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon
A-HEPT Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower
Ion Ion Disruptor
CIG Concussion Impulse Generator



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