Paranid Pericles (m4)

Ship picture
The Pericles was developed to replace the aging Poseidon. The Pericles improved on the earlier model by increasing shield capacity and the speed of the ship, while keeping the weapon compatibility. The Pericles spent a long time in development as it had some structural flaws. These flaws were ironed out and the ship entered service to the sadness of the pilots who had become used to the sight of the Poseidon.

id SS_SH_P_M4
Hull strength 3,500 points
Shields 3 x 5 MJ Shield (1 mins, 3 secs, 100% efficiency)
Acceleration 19.9 to 55.8m/s
Engine speed 63 to 177.5m/s (x18 engine tunings)
Turn speed 19.3 to 54.1rpm (x18 rudder tunings)
Weapon energy 2,250 (+ 56.2J/sec)
Cargo-bay 30 - 110 (S)
Price 244,250 credits (100 notoriety points)
Where to buy
Production at HQ
12 mins, 42 secs.


6 x Cockpit
A-IRE Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
B-IRE Beta Impulse Ray Emitter
A-PAC Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon
B-PAC Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon
A-PSG Alpha Phased Shockwave Generator



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