Breaking Grounds plot (Page 2 of 6)

Gate Research and Development
After a short amount of time, you will be contacted with the following message:
So now must contact someone from the Gate research department. So when ure ready, head-over there and see what they say.
They will ask you about the recent events in Heretics End. It turns out that the gate maybe repairable, but may require some parts from a gate, outside the gate network (ie. in a UFJD sector). To get the parts you will need a TL class ship with at-least 25,000 units of free cargo-space. You will also need a Cargo Life-support System on the TL (to pick-up the researcher).
So get a TL ready, get hop on onboard it. Once aboard, dock it at the station to pickup the researcher.
The next part isnt very well explained, or can be confusing. You must jump to a UFJD sector and look for a gate. However finding a gate can be very hard on some backgrounds. So I would suggest keep jumping and use a pair of Video Enhancement Goggles to zoom-in. The googles will make it easier to spot, this is what you are looking for:

Once you have spotted an gate, travel over to it. You will need to get within 5km of the gate. When close enough. the researcher say "hold this position" and the gate will vanish into your cargo-bay.
With the gate in your cargo-bay, its time to turn back to normal space and take the researcher home, with the gate. You will be thanked, and told the researcher will look into repairing the gate.