Operation Loose Ends (Page 10 of 10)

Operation Loose Ends

Final mission report

After a short while your be contacted by Rabeka Braks:

[player.name], this is Rabeka Braks from the Saturn Research station.
We were able to process all the data on the HQ you sent us and managed to incorporate it into the first prototype of a Terran multifunctional ship production and equipment station. We hope that a series of these stations will soon be placed throughout Terran territory and help us to win the war against the Commonwealth races.

Due to the role you played in getting this data, I was advised to grant the first prototype to you. Dock with a TL class ship to the shipyard in Saturn and the station construction kit will be transferred to you. Rabeka Braks out.

So what you must do now to complete the plot is dock your own TL class ship at the shipyard in Saturn.
This TL will need 36,000 (now 30,000 in v2.5.1) ST cargo-bay units free to hold the PHQ and you will need to in the ship (you can change ship when docked). Myself I had problems docking my TL at the shipyard, I had to manually kill a Terran rapid response craft to free-up a docking slot (hopefully you wont need to do that).

When you dock you will get another thank-you message. A short congratulations video will play. Shortly after you will receive the Terran PHQ (in the cargo-bay of your TL) and the Unfocused jumpdrive (found on your personal information screen). That's the end of the plot, now must decide where to put your new shiny headquarters. Good luck!

Your new Terran PHQ!


Here is a quick breakdown of the rewards you will gain through the plot:
  • The Unfocused jumpdrive,
  • Access to the Xenon Hub,
  • Terran version of the player headquarters,
  • 1 x Argon Aamon Prototype (M3+),
  • Steam achievements:
    • Resourceful (Xenon Hub),
    • Homebase (for the HQ),
    • and/or Tied Ends (for Terran plot),

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