Operation Loose Ends (Page 2 of 10)

Mission brief
Once you land on the station, you will be sent a message from Admiral Chianna Giorno. Saying thank-you for coming aboard and that this briefing is top secret (So you have to agree to it). You will be sent the following message:
In the initial years following the reunion of Terran and Commonwealth governments,
many diplomatic ships visited our territory. Although the USC high command was always careful about
releasing information and technologies to the Commonwealth races, it did not take long for them to show
their true colours. Promises were broken, research agreements abandoned and classified technologies stolen.
We are certain that some of these stolen technologies were used to invade the Terran sectors in the recent conflict,
to destroy the Torus and to kill thousands of innocent Terran people.
We cannot allow the Commonwealth to retain these technologies; to that end, USC high command has decided to reacquire them. We need you to fulfil this task.
We cannot allow the Commonwealth to retain these technologies; to that end, USC high command has decided to reacquire them. We need you to fulfil this task.
You will now be given a list of technology that has been stolen from the Terran's:
Terran Research Data - Stolen technologies
Xperimental Shuttle
General information: An old test shuttle using an experimental point-to-point jumpdrive.
Additional information: The original shuttle was most likely destroyed, but according to rumours a replica was sighted in the Community of Planets not long ago.
Current location: Unknown
Unfocussed Jumpdrive
General information: An experimental point-to-point jumpdrive built by the Goners.
Additional information: Given the Goners' involvement with the original Xperimental shuttle, their Unfocussed Jumpdrive may be based upon its point-to-point jumpdrive.
Current location: Goner territory
Multifunctional ship equipment function
General information: An upgrade for new ship production facilities enabling more efficient equipping of new ships.
Additional information: The plans for the multifunctional ship equipment functions were stored in the databases of the Torus. They were believed lost during its destruction, but evidence to the contrary leads us to believe that the Boron gained access to them.
Current location: Boron territory
USC High Command Data - Agents in the Community of Planets
Name: Lt. Patricia Heywood
Field of duty: Reacquisition of stolen Terran technologies
Currently based in: Brennan's Triumph
Name: Cpt. Robert Pearle
Field of duty: Analysis of Commonwealth technologies to investigate links to Terran developments
Currently based in: Hererics End
Name: Ensign Val Jorwan
Field of duty: Deep cover operative, currently tasked with monitoring Boron fleet movements
Currently based in: Great Trench
Name: Lt. Kile Kellar
Field of duty: Monitoring Commonwealth fleet movements
Currently based in: Ghinns Escape
Xperimental Shuttle
General information: An old test shuttle using an experimental point-to-point jumpdrive.
Additional information: The original shuttle was most likely destroyed, but according to rumours a replica was sighted in the Community of Planets not long ago.
Current location: Unknown
Unfocussed Jumpdrive
General information: An experimental point-to-point jumpdrive built by the Goners.
Additional information: Given the Goners' involvement with the original Xperimental shuttle, their Unfocussed Jumpdrive may be based upon its point-to-point jumpdrive.
Current location: Goner territory
Multifunctional ship equipment function
General information: An upgrade for new ship production facilities enabling more efficient equipping of new ships.
Additional information: The plans for the multifunctional ship equipment functions were stored in the databases of the Torus. They were believed lost during its destruction, but evidence to the contrary leads us to believe that the Boron gained access to them.
Current location: Boron territory
USC High Command Data - Agents in the Community of Planets
Name: Lt. Patricia Heywood
Field of duty: Reacquisition of stolen Terran technologies
Currently based in: Brennan's Triumph
Name: Cpt. Robert Pearle
Field of duty: Analysis of Commonwealth technologies to investigate links to Terran developments
Currently based in: Hererics End
Name: Ensign Val Jorwan
Field of duty: Deep cover operative, currently tasked with monitoring Boron fleet movements
Currently based in: Great Trench
Name: Lt. Kile Kellar
Field of duty: Monitoring Commonwealth fleet movements
Currently based in: Ghinns Escape
After taking the mission, there wont be anything in your mission screen. You will get some more messages after you undock from the station (all about the Xperimental Shuttle - which maybe worth a read).