Operation Loose Ends (Page 3 of 10)

The Xperimental Shuttle
Right... So the first person talk to on your list is in Brennan's Triumph. So when your ready,head to Brennan's Triumph. When you are there you will see a blue-marker on the Pirate base, like so:

When your within 25km of the Base, press c to communicate with Lt. Patricia Heywood at the Pirate base. Heywood will ask you a few questions before giving you the information you're after. You are basically looking for a Teladi at in a certain sector. Heywood gives you a little riddle on his last known whereabouts:
North of the Holy Trinity and south of the swimming friendliness lies a place of fire and stone.
So you are looking for a place with Boron Sector north of it, and a Paranid south of it. If you wish you can use my universe map to solve it yourself. However if youre lazy, just click below:
Once in the correct sector, you will be told to contact Otmanckalsann about his special ship, so com him and tell him: Nice ship you have there!. The ship is invincible by the way, so you cant simply get the pilot to bail - for before you try (I did). There are two ways to get this ship, either by collecting some items or hiring a mercenary to steal the ship (for 15 million).
If you wish to simply pay the mercenary to steal the ship, return to the sector. You should be contacted directly by a pirate to steal the ship. Myself, I collected the resources but either way is fine, as long as you get the ship. You may suffer a rep lost if you steal the ship however.
Collecting resources
If you decide to collect the wares, you will need to collect the following (and deliver them to the Pirate Base):

He likes his illegal goods eh? Well one thing in my game is that I turned over some Weed and Mines and they werent ticked off my list. I guess you need to do them in a set order for them to count? For a odd reason the last lot registered after the second batch of goods? Well I suggest do them in order, one at a time to save any problems. The first item Space Fuel I found in good numbers around the two Aldrin sectors, at the Mixed Food Production Base's. So head over there and grab what you can of them, hopefully they will have 250 or more in-stock. Now you will need to hunt down another 200 x space Weed and 100 x SQUASH mines (Pirate Bases might be good for these). When you have found them all, he will give you the ship (which you will find it parked at the Pirate Base):

Got Xperimental Shuttle?
Now your job is simple, take the ship back to Saturn Research Station (in Saturn of-course). I recommend you either dock the ship on another with a jumpdrive, or install one as it will be long and hard fight back to Saturn otherwise. You may not be able to jump directly back to Saturn either, however I suggest you avoid the war sectors (sectors with red brackets around them) as your M3/or carrier could be attacked a lot.
Once you have delivered the ship, you get a thanks.. and that's about it (for now).