Operation Loose Ends (Page 4 of 10)

Kidnap Mahi Ma
I don't normally condone of such actions however shortly after delivering the Xperimental Shuttle you will receive a message another message. It says this is an important mission needs your attention straight away: The kidnapping of Mahi Ma. To start you will need to head over to Great Trench to meet Ensign Val Jorwan (onboard one of the stations there). You'll know it as it will have another blue-marker next to it (a blue book).The ensign will explain about current relationship between the Boron's and the Terran's, and expects the Boron to join forces with the Argon's soon: Boron ships have been since moving nearer to the front lines. However Mahi Ma (a Boron Scientist) is planning to re-active the Xenon Hub (a powerful structure that can change the gate layout). The Terrans cannot allow this to happen (as this would put them in a much weaker position), so this must be stopped it by capturing Mahi Ma. However to do this, you will need to bring an Argon M3 because the fleet is expecting a wing of Argon M3 ships to escort the fleet Mahi Ma.
Finding a Argon M3 can be harder than it sounds: normally Argon shipyards wont sell any ships to you, so you will have to get a pilot to bail, then claim the ship for yourself. The ship needs to be an Argon M3, such as a Nova, or a Eclipse (a very good M3). Once you finally get one, fly back to Ensign Val Jorwa (in Great Trench) and tell him you got a M3. He will say well done, and revel more about his plan to capture Mahi Ma.
You need to join the escort at LooManckStrat's Legacy; as you will assume the role of Kert Dannar, a member of the Argon Special Task Force 87. You will need to escort the ships right up-to Moo-Kye's Revenge, and then attack/destroy the escort ships. When they are gone, Heywood and the ensign will join you to help board Mahi Ma TP. Once its been captured, you need to take it to Desecrated Skies.
Now you can take your M3 directly into the sector, or dock it on another and jump to LooManckStrat's Legacy. After short time your mission should update and tell you to coms with a Boron Skate (near the north gate), and tell him you're here to join the escort through the pirate sectors:

Now you must stay within 15km of Mahi Ma otherwise he will become suspicious of your escort after-all your supposed to be protecting his ship from any dangers. It is a good idea to take the mission when in-range, otherwise he will become nervousness and will end the mission. So form up and defend him - for the time being:

You should find the escort being rather uneventful until you reach Moo-Kye's Revenge. When you do you will hear a message from a Terran ship to attack; now the escort turns on you. I would recommend bring some extra ships for support, as your single M3 may struggle. Myself I brought Argon M1 - although probably a bit over-kill, but why not? Don't worry about Mahi Ma ship, it's another invincible ship.
After the Boron escort is destroyed, Mahi Mi ship will be boarded and it will turn from hostile to friendly. Now your ordered to protect the ship from attackers until the ship reaches Desecrated Skies. Once you reach Desecrated Skies you should notice a rather large ship north: A Terran Kyoto named the USC Peter Ondronov (sounds similar). Mahi Ma ship will now travel to it and dock on the USC Peter Ondronov:

When the TP is docked, you're be thanked once again and told that you will be rewarded. The Terran's will now send you some more information about the new techonology. Wheres my reward? cheap *beep*!
You will be told that the ensign has received a promotion, and been requested to help you with finding the Multifunctional ship equipment. Shortly afterwards the Boron declare war on the Terran's for the abduction of Mahi Ma. The Boron's will also go hostile to you (as you're a Terran), so get all your properties out of Boron sectors as soon as you can! For the time being.