Argon Rimes Fact M (Food)

factory picture
A Rimes Fact is the manufacturing site for the great bolts of plasticised cloth, called Rimes, that is used by many races in the manufacture of hard wearing work clothes and space suits. The cloth is produced by breaking down the stems of Delexian Wheat into a crude fabric and then mixing it with various Argon based chemicals, Teladianium, and BoGas to produce the final material.

Station ID SS_FAC_F217
Race owner Argon Argon
Station price 799,903
Cargo space 13,000 (ST)

Cloth Rimes production
Ware Min Avg Max
36 x Energy Cells 12 16 20
24 x Delexian Wheat 9 32 55
Totals : 0.6K 1.3K 2K
Ware Min Avg Max
6 x Cloth Rimes 151 292 433
Totals : 0.9K 1.8K 2.6K
Cycle Time
: 1 min, 12 secs.
: 50
: 300 units
Min Profit/Hour
Avg Profit/Hour
Max Profit/Hour
: -56,700 credits
: 20,400 credits
: 97,500 credits

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