Boron Royal Boron Shipyard (Ocean of Fantasy gamma)

Shipyards are the heart and soul of modern societies. They are factories of gigantic dimension, built to manufacture all the space vehicles and even build and sell whole construction kits for new factories. Because of the immense resources and labour required to build as well as run a factory like this, shipyards are rare to encounter. The Boron shipyard is a hive of activity, mainly due to the fact that the Boron do not believe in a lot of automation, instead preferring to trust the fine skills and talents of their many engineers, craftsmen, and semi skilled workers. Each Boron ship is virtually hand built, and they are rumoured to last longer, be more reliable, and are better made than the ships of many other races.

Product Notoriety (Min) Price (Max)
Boron Drone Factory Rank 5 972,192 1,296,256 1,620,320
Boron Recon Drone Construction Facility Rank 5 972,192 1,296,256 1,620,320
Astrus Station Upgrade Kit XL Rank 7 13,582,839 18,110,452 22,638,065
Astrus Station Upgrade Kit Rank 5 849,159 1,132,212 1,415,265
Astrus Angel Rank 5 1,796,084 1,814,227 1,832,370
Astrus Eclipse Prototype Rank 6 4,216,338 5,621,784 7,027,230
Astrus Medusa Prototype Rank 5 3,659,645 4,879,527 6,099,409
Astrus Skate Prototype Rank 6 3,427,600 4,570,134 5,712,668
Astrus Enhanced Dolphin Rank 4 283,020 377,361 471,702
Astrus Barracuda Prototype Rank 5 1,853,095 2,470,794 3,088,493
Astrus Drone Rank 4 1,394,733 1,408,822 1,422,911
Astrus Guppy Rank 8 51,835,081 52,358,668 52,882,255
Astrus Chimera Prototype Rank 6 3,748,938 4,998,584 6,248,230
Astrus Hydra Prototype Rank 6 8,114,551 10,819,402 13,524,253
Astrus Wenendra Rank 6 6,357,224 8,476,299 10,595,374

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