Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 15 of 35)
Written by TTDOi 'ave vinished me new complex and primary outputs are Teladianum. Nostrop oil and Warheads.
Oi have it all runnin'noicely an I zeroed te cash. Now te zee if it brings me owt.
Oi only 'ad te tow the Ore Mine into place.Te rest all stacked nicely.
Oi'l zend the a pic with this post when Oi can, zo check back.
Well Oi waz 'opin' too but te station is so tall.it fades out of view before Oi kin get it all in the cam.
Thankee Emperorjohn for trigerring Moi bit o' disguise. Oi'll trust thee with tha idea that you put in me 'ed.
That Roid iz zo var down as te be off te radar. Just what Oi be needin' for a hide away wer I can plan moi empire an' revenge on dem Teladi. So Oi got me an EQ dock for me Orca.I can set this to have a full supply of e-cells when Oi need 'em. An' Oi got meslf a Teladi Tradin' station vor all me fighters.
Now Oi've renamed 'em. I don't think anyone will go all the way to the other end of me supplies station.It stretches out zo var you can't see the other end! But if anu one does then all they will see is a Recreation centre an a Planetry observation platform.
So Oi'can build up me fleet in piece. And Oi'll just add a rumour about ships that go missing when they go to var down in elevation. That would account for all my ships that come into the sector, not to be seen again.
UTs are still tricky and I use them only when they have made me enough profit as STs or LTs.
When STs become good enough for Local Trading (LTs), then you can limit their trading area.
Suppose you are 4 sectors from the nearest Hostile sector. Set the trading radius to no more than 3 sectors. That way, the LTs will not go to that sector.
Also, if the Trader is Station based supply and demand vessel, then you can limit the distance in the station parameters at the bottom where you set to trade with races etc.
An' iv that dun't work. kick yer poilots back te floight schoil Exclamation
Rumours of a new recruit employed by the Yaki Prince abound in the bars in and around Yaki nieghbouring sectors. Apparently this new upstart is starting attacks on defenseless stations and leaving the local militia to deal with the incursions, But here's the twist...Without firing a single shot, he gets promoted and paid in full for protecting the station.
Now since Oi'm ah peaceful sort of goiy Oi think Oi'l just try that....
Hey man! it works a treat.
Now woi did ah not think ov that before?
Been so busy with me inventories an' Oi did not notice sumtin'. Renamed all me sats and ships,zo Oi de know which iz which, loik and saw a stashun build request. Went te the station an' accepted. Now I entruste moi Orca to a poilot,an up to now ee's bin pretty good. But Oi could not voind 'im or de Orca any where's.
Checked me log in case ee left me a message....never knows see...sumptin moight have turned up an' ee 'ad te leave a bit quick.Oi kin understan' that.
But what's this? "Your ship Orca was destroyed in sector Argon Prime by Argon Equipment Dock"????
Iv ee survived, ee better hide vrom me.That ship was working perfect when Oi giv' 'im it.
Oh well. Better go te Kingdom End and zee de Queen agin Oi s'pose, since that's where Oi need to git the station. This is one build that won't pay for itself,but Oi could just cancel wit me appologies...nope Oi'l zee if Oi kin get a Yaki TL virst.
The Yaki Ryu is cheap an' cheerful.No brownie points for comfort or visibility. You can see where you are going but any more than that you need the external camera drones. Beware if you are used to flying other ships. The nose of this thin' stick out much ferda than you are aware.Oi just collided wid one ov those tubular protrusions vrom the jump-gate.....It doesn't do your shields a lot of good and' if ya not careful you end up sat on the floor, much to te 'idden amusement of ya bridge crew! It holds 12 fighters too,so dat will speed up thin's a bit. Oi managed to do the station build in toim so not all was lost.
Now Oi 'ave transver'd all dem foighters vrom Ore Belt Oi think Oi'l build a 1mj shield production unit in Boron Space and a 200mj shield production unit in Split space....Both in the SW regions of te universe. Then te keep the Yaki 'appy Oi'l build some " 'appy " products for 'em .
Startin' wid te 1mj Oi'l use a Teladi one.
- 1 x Crystal Fab M,
- 1x Flower Farm L,
- 1x Flower Farm M,
- 1x Ore Mine L 19y,
- 1x Shield Production Facility 1 Mj,
- 1x Silicon Mine L 32y,
- 2x SPP M,
- 1x Sun Oil Refinery L,
- 1x Sun Oil Refinery M,
Total cost with CCKs 25,667,800 cr.
Only one Ore mine in Depths of Silence but over produces by 431 per hour. Silicon is plentiful but to not waste ,it produces just 59 extra per hour. It will support one more 1mj shield fact so Oi'l ad that to it.
So I 'ave put all te facts up boi te Silicon mine an' connected 'em.But Oi need to drag the ore mine up there to. Problem. The tractor beam factory is gone an' moi only tractor beam is in CBSE on me Hydra. So Oi need to dock it an' me Ryu at te Argon Equipment Dock an Transver over.
All done and dusted. Oi got that Ore moin up wid te Silcon one an' connected all o' dem together. Give a bit te start wid .once ee got te virst batch o' shield Oi took all credits away. Ee'l make money iv 'ee zells well enough.
Oi selected Depths of Silence for minimum use of 'roids,but there is a heavy military presence here too,so my new complex will be safe enouh, Oi 'ope.
Now on te the next un....200'ds fer te Split.
My first thought was Rhonkar's Trial for the 'roids, but that is too far off any trade route, so I have settled for Family Rhy.
Why Teladi stations in Boron Space and Boron stations in Split Space?
Each time I buy a station from a race, my notoriety moves up a notch. Every time a race buys my products ,it moves up a notch.
So I spread it around a bit.
It is possible to just buy the cheapest available,but when you have nearly 200,000,000 cr buying the cheapest does not really matter, does it?
Thus my final shopping list is...
- 1x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 1x Bio Gas Factory M,
- 1x Bofu Chemical Lab L,
- 1x Bofu Chemical Lab M,
- 1x Crystal Fab L,
- 1x Ore Mine L 11y,
- 2x Shield Production Fac. 200 Mj,
- 1x Silicon Mine L 26y,
- 2x SPP M,
Total cost 34,957, 948 cr