Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 16 of 35)
Written by TTDWell Oi have them two complexes runin' and now for the Yaki.
Oi've bin a thinkin' that Oi 'ave not got 5MJ shield production, nor 'ave Oi built in Teladi space. Oi dun' want te Teladi te git s'pishush do Oi? So That's what oi'l do next...after helpin' dem Yaki.
"A funny thing happened to me on the way to the......"
Oi did ah stashun build for dem Yeki ad was waitin vor me Ryu to return with another vor 'em when Oi saw Oi cul improve me rank wid dem even furder.
Oi took took station protect exploits to "protect" their Shipyard. All well an good,so Oi headed north to meet me Ryu and dock at te Pirate Stashun....
But.....Well O don't know what 'appened loik, but all of a zudden Oi eaz bein' atacked by Yaki as I got through te gate te odder zoid. Me'be Oi aksidently knocked one o' dem and ee got annoyed, or sumptin'.
I tried to out run them, but saw the pirate stashun waz red to me too,and they just a kept comin',so nowt for it, but to show em who's de boss.
Take a lot too annoy me but soon two had bailed and the five or six were space dust....oops a square box appears on my scanner. I had tried to apollogise te the first ship wid no response,but I thought te meself "no 'arm in tryin ag'in ..." I check my console and set Yaki to friend...oi vergot that last toim...and hailed te captain, apollogised an' ee axzepted loik a reasonable guy. Guess ee waz secretlu laughin 'at te two guys in space suits a tryin' to find te nearest ship or station that a take 'em loik.
Now Oi look te see what Oi could claim. Got a full cargo of energy in case Oi need te jump in a 'urry, so no good tryin' to collect owt. So Oi looked at the ships.
- 1x Advanced Eclipse with full shield an' hull.Unusual. Might not 'ave bin part of the group, but it 'ad pirate decor on it zo Oi claimed it an sent it to the Ryu.
- 1x Susanowa 50% hull and apparently no shields. Went over to repair it. an' all of a zudden it fired up it's engines and moved zeveral metres awah vrom me.
Oi tried ag'in and remembered to claim it virst an' all went well, so Oi zent it over to me Ryu aswell, docked at the Pirate station(now freindly again) and wrote this report.
Turns out this Advanced Eclipse is one of the free ships you can find while traveling. It is in the SE quadrant.
Weaver's Tempest
Now Oi have done a dew build missions 'ere an Oi axidently bought a silicon mine M earlier, which Oi dumped 'ere on a 7 yield 'roid. So O set it up to git me money back.
I think you all have the idea on how to get what you need for the various complexes. So I am editing out many lists now.
Just use you favourite complex calculator.
Well Oi'm still buildin' the above complex when curiosity gits the better ov me, zo Oi go off to voind that Advanced Eclipse,see? Oi tranzver all me equipment an' 'ead off to Paranid Prime for system and Equipment upgrades. 'Tis a bit slower at full engine tune but 'as an extra 25 MJ shield vitted and jus' me'be a bit more fire power. Well when oi entered Paranid Prime, oh what a zite to be'old Exclamation .... Crates full ov missiles an such jus' vlotin' in space!
Never one to mis a really good opportunty loik this... quick upgrade and back-an'-vorth to the EQ dock zelling me prizes. Then when too much energy on board, zell at 19 per unit at local stations. Lost count 'ow many toims Oi went back to stashions but Oi got payed well vor just collectin' 'em. The only problem Oi 'ad was that all these crates were a fallin vfom ships that the Paranid did not loik there.Thaought Oi git blasted too at toims, but Oi was able to dodge pretty well. Not sure if oi will zend thee any more messages tonight, but oi'l be gittin' back to completing the complex.
At last, oi 'ave vinished te complex.
Final check on what the local sector factories need and set my prices vor em to buy vrom me. Zero out the vactory credits zo I can zee it's mekin' me a bob or two.
Now off to Teladi space so they don't get left out. Don't wan't them attackin' me before Oi'm ready to deliver moi "message" now do Oi?
Right then, Oi've vinished the 5MJ shield complex an' the traffic diverted to it almost instantly.
Now for my mid monthly report. Sorry it's a bit late, but Oi wanted those vactories zet up virst. So 'ere goes it..
Captains log 15-08:44 768-05-16
Account 135,852,896 Cr
Magnate 23%
Sharpshooter 95%
Argon Hero of the Federation [L]..........21%
Boron Queen's Protector [L].................73%
Split Family Protector...........................97%
Paranid Honour Guard of Xar [L]...........17%
Teladi Company Manager [L]................60%
CBSE Adv.Sat 5 25MJ shields...................53,835.745 CR
Depths of Silence 1MJ shields ..................15,732,567 CR
Duke's Vision 2nd-ary Supplies Unit..........57,799,241 CR
Family Rhy 200MJ Shields..........................9,021,964 CR
Ministry of Finance 5MJ Shields......................252,310 CR
Rhonkar's Might Cloth Rimes.....................23,069,790 CR
Weaver's Tempest Yaki Supplies.................6,355,192 CR
Oi'l let you do the sums, but the credits in these vactories are pure profit after I zero'd them out at completion.
Account 135,852,896 Cr
Magnate 23%
Sharpshooter 95%
Argon Hero of the Federation [L]..........21%
Boron Queen's Protector [L].................73%
Split Family Protector...........................97%
Paranid Honour Guard of Xar [L]...........17%
Teladi Company Manager [L]................60%
CBSE Adv.Sat 5 25MJ shields...................53,835.745 CR
Depths of Silence 1MJ shields ..................15,732,567 CR
Duke's Vision 2nd-ary Supplies Unit..........57,799,241 CR
Family Rhy 200MJ Shields..........................9,021,964 CR
Ministry of Finance 5MJ Shields......................252,310 CR
Rhonkar's Might Cloth Rimes.....................23,069,790 CR
Weaver's Tempest Yaki Supplies.................6,355,192 CR
- M6 x 2,
- M3 x 24,
- M4 x 22,
- M5 x 25,
- TL x 1,
- TM x 2,
- TS x 56,
- TP x 10,
- Adv sats x 143,
All this in 15 days or so .
Agin' Oi'l let you do the maths.
It was suggested That I do an M7M supply complex. I am curious about this as it is to be built in a pirate sector. I have listed the requirements some little ways up this thread,if you want to review them. That list was the first to show up on Xadrian's CC. Looking at it again, I have decided to have it as an all Argon complex and reduce the size of the Ore 'roid, but left the silicon as is....
It will go in the NE quadrant, since that is where most of the traffic is.