Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 17 of 35)
Written by TTDNearly finished this last complex.Just connecting it all together.
Found a Pirate anarchy port and went on a fishing trip,netting some missiles that had been left every where, while looking for a friendly pirate to hack it for me. I had just given up when one was available, Norman can safely get rid of space flies etc there.
I'll read through this thread and see if anyone's requests etc has yet to be implemented. But keep the ideas coming.This is designed to help you as a trader, so any questions or challenges are always welcome.
Oi waz just about to leave the Anarkey Port when Oi got an urgent message. Seems some pirate clan waz a messin' wid me plans down in Duke's Wisdom. What a stroke of luck Oi had moved most moi foighters doon there. Oi released 5 ov 'em and all waz well ag'in. Now to finish off me new complex. Looking good in NE quadrant.Already got some captains tekin' a look-see. 'ope they come back to trade.
Building a Home Base
It much depends on how you are trading,where, and who you are friendly with etc.
Some players like quiet out-of-the-way places. Others like to have the local millitary for protection. eg Argon Prime.
Norman has his in Duke's Vision. Here it is good for him as there are a number of EQ docks not overly far away and covers all the five main races. Also, as he is finding the Yaki quite friendly atm,it's not too far to get their ships if he wants to, Although he would prefer them 2nd hand. *Laughing
In the community games I have played, I usually opt for Patriarch's Retreat,as it is close to shipyards,EQ Docks and e-cell supplies. It is also away from most trouble.
If you are planning a PHQ then other factors fall into place such as resources etc.Please see the many threads on placing the PHQ.
Now that Oi ave got the missile production going for M7Ms, and Oi'm in Pirate space,mebe Oi should consider givin' em sumptin' to keep 'em appy too, as well as the Yaki.
A Booze an' Weed plex....
Hmm..Oi 'ope that drug baron, spaceweedaddict don't try an' put me out of business any toim soon. Oi'l even zell to 'im at rock bottom iv it keps 'im 'appiee.
Now to look aroun' an zee iv Oi kin voind a good spot.
BOOZE and WEED Complex
Now Oi've bin scoutin' around an Oi've decided to build next door as shown here:
Sector: Nopileos' Memorial Suns: 150 %
Factory | Race | Yield | Quantity | Unit price | Price |
Bliss Place L | Teladi | 1 | 3,564,320 Cr | 3,564,320 Cr | |
Crystal Fab L | Teladi | 1 | 6,557,312 Cr | 6,557,312 Cr | |
Crystal Fab M | Teladi | 2 | 3,129,332 Cr | 6,258,664 Cr | |
Dream Farm L | Teladi | 1 | 687,480 Cr | 687,480 Cr | |
Flower Farm L | Teladi | 2 | 899,976 Cr | 1,799,952 Cr | |
Silicon Mine L | Teladi | 24 | 2 | 905,688 Cr | 1,811,376 Cr |
Solar Power Plant L | Teladi | 1 | 10,459,240 Cr | 10,459,240 Cr | |
Solar Power Plant M | Teladi | 1 | 4,648,552 Cr | 4,648,552 Cr | |
Space Fuel Distillery L | Argon | 1 | 5,500,028 Cr | 5,500,028 Cr | |
Sun Oil Refinery L | Teladi | 2 | 2,125,024 Cr | 4,250,048 Cr | |
Wheat Farm L | Argon | 1 | 917,504 Cr | 917,504 Cr | |
Complex construction kit | 14 | 259,696 Cr | 3,635,744 Cr |
Total: 15 (+14), 50,090,220 Cr
Oi was a tinkin ov all the 'ard work involved in towin' 'roids to where you wan' 'em.
Since Oi'm buildin' on elevation an' not ecliptic, then woi not have one ov 'em 'roids stay where dey are?
Now one ov moi mines are above the ecliptic an sat on it's own. Rather than tow it through all the obstacles in te way, woi not build vertically beneath it? So that's what Oim doin' and cuts 50% off my towin' bills too. Towin' bills? Well you don't think my crew would be 'appy wid cahoonas, do you?
For my next project Norman goes back into consolidation mode,building Sector Support Complexes, and any Build missions etc along the way.
Well that's up an' running well. Oi have grabbed one o' moi UTs when 'ere and got 'im to collect everythin'. Oi'l have to keep checkin' back to see when 'ee vills up,but it will save me a bit o work, and the money's good. 10% of profit shared between the drew an'Oi still make plenty on a full load!
So toim Oi got back an' conzolidatid a bit....The queen's bin good to me, so Oi'l 'ed 'er way.
Sector: Kingdom End Suns: 150 %
(Find what the sector needs and then build a complex to suit.)
This'l giv' her a bit of ever'thin' she be a wantin there. Oi'l either set a freighter to get the silicon or set me prices for npc traders....mebe both.
The Hub Plot
I have decided to include_once this ,as so many of you have difficulty getting Mahi Ma to board in version 2.5. Also it deals a lot with complex construction for fast production of requirements.
On the other hand, you could do what some have done...leave it to npc traders to supply everything.
In order to make sure you have the money for the materials, you need to have some of your own STs and LTs home-base to it and give it a starting capital.
Oi'm a bit dizatracterd at te moment. Oi'm at King's Knight an' that Mahi Ma is a ready to punce but Oi 'avent got the Xenon zectorz mapped yet. But Oi'z a tryin. Usin' Jaguar Raider to outrun 'em. This ship 'as a top speed ov 596.4 m/s.Oi vound it to be able to out run dem mizzilz too.
Oi went up vrom Grand Exchange,headed to de East gate. Xenon waitin' t'other zoid, but Oi sipped past 'em loik a pebble on a pond and soon found myself the far side beyond the next gate.
Right. That was far enough. Quick check te zee it was plotted on me charts and fast race back to Grand Exchange. Dock wid me Boa which Oi brought te Raider up 'ere wid.
Went back and allowed Mahi Ma to contact me this toim. He zent me back to go through the gate Oi 'ad plotted, and there waz a zite to be'old! Some massive Dysonsphere..all coloured red,loik, an' an old wreck floatin' there all alone,loik. Oi dun know 'ow 'ee did it but ee knew what oi waz lookin' at an told me to investigate and report back. So back to Grand Exchange.
Refuel Boa. Make sure Oi 'ave de Cargo Bay Life Support Oi got vrom that Anarkee port earlier, and off to voind dat Boron feller.
Oi managed to get him before he went off to dock zomplace to wait for me.Oi'm told he can be a bit impayshunt sometimes, but a zealous zort of fish.
Refuel an' now Oi kin jump roight into that thin' Oi vound vor 'im.
When Oi git there 'ee 'az te pick the locks zo we can dock. Then after vumbling aroun' 'ee zes 'ee needs "a couple of items".
Only 400 Computer Components! Maybe Oi'm wrong, but Oi think me got me work cut out for zum toim 'elpin' this fella.
Now,Oi bin cheking wid Master Xadrian and between uz ,we think we could get a production out within an hour of settin one up. Here 'ow it looks.
Sector: Hollow Infinity Suns: 150 %
- 3x Bio Gas Fact L,
- 1x Bio Gas Fact M,
- 3x Bofu Chem Plant L,
- 6x Computer Plant,
- 1x Crystal Fab L,
- 2x Crystal Fab M,
- 1x Silicon Mine L 60y,
- 1x Silicon Mine L 32y,
- 1x SPP L,
- 1x SPP M,
19x Complex construction kit
Total Cost = 51,090,372 Cr
Should produce 450 an hour, and be able to add to it for other requirements if we need to.