Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 18 of 35)
Written by TTDUniversal Fax to all Station Managers in the employ of Norman Fudge...
The recent audit has found most station have an excess of credits. This can only encourage bandits and pirates to raid your stations.
From now on, all excess credits are to be diverted to assist in the new complexes being built for the purpose of supplying then Hub that
our employer, Norman Fudge has discovered with the aid of his new friend Mahi Ma.
It is hoped that all station managers will abide this request and doing so may give them a higher rank in the new complexes being built. In particular the following may be of interest to aspiring managers...
There is a new experimental complex to be built where multiple stations of the same specifications will occupy the same time and space, thus reducing labour costs,as work done in one factory will simultaneously be completed in the remainder of that type of station in the complex.
We are looking for experienced techs to volunteer for work in the complexes and for designers and engineers to lend their expertise.
All applicants to use normal channels .Buying Norman a coffee at Julian's Coffee bar won't help this time.
It is hoped that all station managers will abide this request and doing so may give them a higher rank in the new complexes being built. In particular the following may be of interest to aspiring managers...
There is a new experimental complex to be built where multiple stations of the same specifications will occupy the same time and space, thus reducing labour costs,as work done in one factory will simultaneously be completed in the remainder of that type of station in the complex.
We are looking for experienced techs to volunteer for work in the complexes and for designers and engineers to lend their expertise.
All applicants to use normal channels .Buying Norman a coffee at Julian's Coffee bar won't help this time.
Meeting at Ryu Temporary Base of Ops.
"noo then ladies an' jedlemen,Oi woild like to say thankin' you vor your co-opperashun and enthusiasm vor our new project. We wer going to gonsolidaht our home sectors,but that 'as puten on 'old vor noo. No as all but 1,000,000 cr per stashun is being used to vund dis project, we should ave enough available to get this workin before we start to run out of credits. It is not the virst toim it's bin dun.Talkin' to top traders an' "runners" of illicit goods etc, while in te coffee bars and booze clubs, Oi stumbled upon a good way to save time,space and labour. I say good, reservedly,'cause you all know that with any new idea, things can go wrong.So emergency evac drills will be played through every mid shift until pervected.And then once per week,per shift slot. Anyone not willing to take these risks may return to their stashun .Those that stay will recieve 25% increase in saleries and double, upon completion of the project. Any who leave now will not be reconsidered for promotion in future. Am Oi clear to yer all?"
There was slight murmerings of both descent ant agreement. One or to made polite apologies and left for their personal shuttles. After which the room went quiet as the remainder awaited more information.
"Roight then.Oi guess you are all keen to know more?"
Nodds of heads and general noise fo agreement
" An early pioneer of this construction technique,Rednoahl, put his findings to the Universal Trade Organization, as is usual with all things new, there were more sceptics than supporters,so any further research by him did not go public.Recently, others traders 'ave stumbled upon the idea and have voiced their findings. Professor, engineer and trader Koruth for one seems to be having success. Once again there are some in the UTO who do not believe it can work.
I think it can.That is why I called in experts in their fields to assist. What we need to do,vrom what Oi kin see of thar reports is to 'ave at least one extra TL full of CCKs to place as soon as we are in danger of loosing the section being built. or to have it connected asap after it 'az bin.
We need large spacious TLs for station placements too. This 'ere Ryu is good vor setting the mines an' towing 'em into place but we need to place as many stashuns within themselves as quickly az pozibul,to avoid self destruction of our new complex before connection."
Further discussions continued and brief details of the meeting was sent to all traders who have kept up with Norman's expansion program. It will be intersting to see what the PTNI will say about this,but for as long as they can make profitsss out of Norman they seem happy.
Meeting at new Trade Research and Developement Centre.
" Soo...Welcome to our new R/D centre. Since we are doing our first investigative work in Hollow Infinity, I thought it only fitting to use a Boron Equipment Dock. As much as possible we will be using Boron Tech, supplementing from elsewhere if needed.
Oi 'av bin looking at te data for the various TLs available, and as you can see vrom these charts. the best vor our purpose is the Terran AtmosLifter. Unfortunate, Oi can't be-swad dem Terran Senators to donate one,although they did say if Oi did zome work vor 'em they'd give me a mobile Mining Base. Too busy down 'ere for that, so it looks loik two o' you are going to have to get a couple ov Mammoths vrom te Argon and bring 'em back with all extensions and upgrades. Vunds will be made available upon request.
Noo then, I see One o' you 'ave been busy, loik, puttin' doon moins on Silicon an Ore 'roids, zo Oi have adjusted all o' dem te buy in de e-cells and 'ave assigned at least one ov our traders to provide the vunds,by makin' them home base at te moins. Most are noo in production mode.
So well done.Let's git them 'roids knitted together.Thar's a tractor beam on board that Ryu,so you kin be usin' that vor de job. We will use standard tech for this par of the operation.
There is a 60y silicon vlotin' on it's own.Let's give it company, guys. Taht's all vor now."
Observation Deck, R/D Centre.
"Are te TLs in pozishun?",asked Norman nervously.
This was a monumental time for Norman.Never in all his years did he ever think he would get involved in bending the laws of time and space Exclamation Him Question Just a trader, working his way up out of nothing Question !Iv this woorx," thought Norman,"Oi moight git our vamily name back. An not only that,but 'av' a place in history as one ov many pioneers of this technology *Rolling Eyes "
He was excited too. Fiddling with anything his hands came across. Grabbing a coffee every time the tray passed him.
"...ok.give te word to the captains to prepare vor the virst an' zecond Computer Plant.They are to be placed deretlee above te docking hub ov te mines."
Dermot O'Brien,Chief Tech relayed the message...well interpreted message. "Why my boss won't learn the universe language, I'll never know." he thought as he struggled to understand what Norman had just said, and then relay the correct translation. "He calls it English...hmmm...sounds more gibberish to me. Took me months to understand him,and even now I can never be that certain."
"OK BOYS! Get ready and let's ROLE! " he bellowed down the comm.
Norman looked across at Dermot ... " Oi'm not zure Oi zed that, Dermot. But if it means the same thing..." He left it hanging with a wide grin on his face.