Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 19 of 35)
Written by TTDNorman was really tense now. If he held his coffee any tighter, the cup would give under pressure!
He waited...looked at all the screens with meaningless numbers and fashing lights.
"Ok,Norman.First plant is in place.Near to a mine ,but shields holding at 100%." Dermot could see the tension on Norman's face. "Plant two now occupying same time and space. Shields dropped 1% and holding....Plant three now occupying same time and space. Shields dropping on each plant at 1% increments...." "1% ...hmm.'ow long vor?" wondered Norman as he listened to the remaining plants being positioned. "...Six plants that's 94%.."
Dermot raised his voice a little, "...Plant six ...Now occupying same time and space..." He was not so happy this time.. " 55% Exclamation plant one. GET THOSE CCKs INSTALLED!!! "
"No Exclamation It can't go wrong now," he thought. "So much work and preparation. Countless credits and hours spent getting all the equipment in and doing simulated tests. Working round the clock...No, it can't go wrong." Dermot had even continued running tests in his bunker when he was supposedly taking a rest. He had double-checked all equations. Proof read hard copies for dots commas, zeros and letter O. Re-run simulations.
He looked at the screens again. and sighed with relief.
"Sir! Stable at 50%...All CCKs in place."
"Fine...Let's get to the Ryu and take a closer look."
As they got closer to the new type of complex,they could see the shields levels increasing.
With no staff and no supplies,as yet,the systems were showing amber lights.
"Wait until 100% and we'll fly over and put our team on board to check everything .Then we'll connect the two hubs for you, Norman." Dermot said reassuringly.
"All plants at 100% and holding." Dermot informed the team, looking at Norman heading to the docking bay as they all got ready to follow.
" Come on boys! Let's role" said Norman, looking back, grinning at Dermot.
Moments passed.As they approached the docking hub it was hard to believe that the complex was more than just one station with extended docking clamps. Even moving through the corridors it was hard to believe you were moving through six different plants at the same time.
Everything checked out. Norman re-calibrated the finance tables for the complex and gave the ok for the two hubs to be connected.
Perfect. Just that loud buzz informing the manager to check all station -owned ships.Only thing missing is the Bo-fu.
"Well jendlemen, Oi pronounce this phase of de operation a total zuck-sess. We can all zelebrate. Then Oi think we all deserve shore leave before we continue wid de next setion."
"Well jendlemen,while you had shore leave Oi stayed back an' bought in some Bofu vor our virst consignment to Mahi Ma. Oi have ladded up your TLs with Bofu Chem Labs and CCKs ready vor te next stage.But afore we begin,Oi think Dermot O'Brien would loik ah word."
"Thankyou . I have analized the data from the first experiment.Norman agrees with me that we had a few hair raising moments towards the end. So I have suggested that we do not combine more than FIVE factory units at a time. These next units total seven so we will build one at five and on at two, in that order. Ok. Anna Freeman will stay here at the observation port and monitor things from here.I will go to the current docking hub and check this there as we progress. I am sure Norman could do wit a break,but he will be on call if needed. Any questions?"
Terry Conard looked up, "Have there been any anomalies in the new production fab?" He was a keen tech, just recently qualified in astro-physics and a barrage of associated studies.Dermot had known him since graduating from high school. A bright individual who always questioned rather than take at face value. Spacial anomalies have been problematic before, so in a design that's so radically different, he expected some.
"Everything is stable," replied Dermot. "But of course there are some simple rules. Make sure you only take in what you need and be certain to remove them when finished.The cargo area is a bit more complicated.Norman will explain."
" Well Oi shud 'av expected it really but Oi decided to examine the first computer component a bit more closely. As Oi left the transport tubes an' entered the dockin' port....suddenly Oi 'ad six ov 'em on me buggy Exclamation "
A lot of laughter echoed around the room as they got this mental vision in there heads.
"......So all stock-control will be automated using transporter device technology. Requisition orders will be double checked against the cargo space in the destination ship.We don't want any expansion explosions,do we?" he asked, with a broad grin. "Right then, let's role," Dermot ordered.
Anna Freeman nodded to Dermot and then continued to view the monitors as the hall emptied of all but a few staff. She was a slightly built woman in her thirties.Deep red hair.Green eyes.They said her ancestors came from the west coast of Ireland, on Earth.How long had she known Dermot?So long it seems forever.He was married to his work,but sometimes found her to be very calming when he was stressed. "mmmm if only....", she thought as she saw him leave.
Oi took zum well dezerv rest then and waited vor Dermot to return. He came back later to report reducing the numbers helped this toim. So, we do the zam thi agin wid de Biogas.
Toim 'as bin a passin'. We 'a delivered 400 computer components and 500 microchips. 'ad te dend a techi on that un' 'cause there waz zum repair work to be dun.
Now 'ee wants 150,000 units of Teladianium .I can support a maximum of 36 T Foundry Ls. This'll give me 21.6 K per hour. That's about just under 7 hrs at full production if Oi switch off the non essentials. Then 'ee wants 450Ks worth of Ore. Oi 'ave in stock 20,797,but not dun me calkyoolashuns yet.