Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 25 of 35)

Written by TTD

Ramblings of an Argon Nephew, written by TTD

Norman has re-planned his Teladi project. He was not happy, and was sure the staff on that "spy" station was full of mirth as they saw the two explosions in the distance.

Oh well, he had done pretty well up 'til now.Setbacks are expected in any business. Just will have to try something else next time the problem comes up.Maybe even connecting them quickly may help, like how he avoids his new complexes from exploding.

He had thought of towing his EQ dock beyond comms range of the "spy" station,but the Teladi could just as easily tow theirs or just plant another station near where he moves to,so he just left it there, but top board meetings were to be held back at his first new-tech complex. And new encryption code was developed for secure messaging.

Fri 05/02/10

Nothing too exciting for tonight.
less than 180k crystals to go.
connected remaining Silicon 'roids/mines and started to connect ore mines/roids

Sat 06-02-10

Connected Ore Mines.
Now ready for the main complex

  • 6x Crystal Fabs L,
  • 6x Flower Farm L,
  • 1x SPP L,
  • 1x SPP XL,
  • 6x Sun Oil Refinery,

With Silicon / Ore mines + CCKs 112,012,752 cr.

plus the two mines that blew up @ 2,717,064cr each

Complex in Company Strength complete. Now to set up another TL to store the Crystals,using 5x Falcon Haulers. Then Norman will check other local sectors for more possible complexes. Failing that,He will have to brush up his diplomatic skills with the Paranid.

" It honours me, oh Servant of Xaar, that you bare my presence before you, to allow me to present my offer" ,said Norman as he bowed low, as was the Japanese custom of old.

"You show some respect, human. Now what do you propose? Be quick while I can still tolerate your unholy presence!"

"You of all races, understand the importance of seeing beyond normal dimensions. We offer you a mixing of your factory tech with construction tech involving new dimensions in space and time."

" I am interested,unholy one. Leave your full details of the planned offer .We will contact you shortly. You are free to leave."

Birth of the UTI

Time passed and he returned to the R/D2 in Hollow Infinity. Transfered to the Adv, Eclipse and head to the complex for a meeting with senior staff. His Finance officer was on the case again :(

"We had comms from NNMC. They have noted that we are not operating as a fully registered Universal Corporation and refuse any further trade with us until we remedy this situation. But on a brighter note, it seems we just need to come up with a name for it and register the name. Of course our ledgers will then be open for official scrutiny,but I am sure I can handle the auditors and tax collectors."

"You 'ad me warweed den.So we just a need a name? How about Universal Technologies Incorporated? UTI for short?"

Terry replied that: "It does denote what we are doing,but there are other facets to the company. Protection, trading to name but two."

Anna and Dermot were back on the scene as a couple.Anna suggested having the " UTI as a cover name, and having other names for the individual facets of operation. So this part would be UTI Construction. We could have UTI Trading and UTI Navy"

"Mebe not Navy. Oi don't want Teladi to get to involve there."

"ok,Norman," interceded Dermot, "How about UTI Services? That could encompass protection and anything else we are overlooking at the moment."

The comms officer hand Norman a message pad.

" It seems we have approval from the Paranid,But a few restrictions and possible problems."

Norman read the pad out loud for all to hear. "We have considered your request to share your technology with us. We are pleased to inform you that the Emperor Xaar wishes you to use Perpetual Sin. The Unholy Pirates have a base there and also the Khaak, still persist. So your presence there is based on protecting our fleets when we are there. Failure is not acceptable terms of continued use of our space."

He placed the pad on the table and looked around at his group of friends. "It's a bigger challenge but are you all up for it?"

Eventually the meeting finished and they arranged for the Hoshi to be brought in for sector defence. Mammoth 7 was purchased and rigged out, bringing with it a Paranid EQ dock for sector base. First immediate problem was e-cells.None to be found for several sectors. So this part of the complex had to be built first. Norman did the 'roid scans. The Hoshi took it's first Kha'ak cluster in the sector and Norman seized the opportunity to collect a Sting Missile.If he never used it, he could still sell it. The Pirate base was no problem.Just some of the pirates that used it. As the split would say "You may find it tricky."

The immediate problem of e-cells was solved by placing some in the EQ dock and setting price to max. Norman had some UTs nearby, which quickly offloaded enough e-cells to keep him happy for a while.

The idea of an EQ dock is for many reasons.

In this game, there is no Salvage insurance. I need to dock in order to save.

I have just edited the last entry but... In order to re-supply the TLs etc with needed e-cells.

To give somewhere safe for TLs to hide when not being used.

As a storage centre for other items such as missiles / shields etc.

It has been said by earlier researchers that only like-stations can be built this way.

  • SPP L x5 =ok,
  • SPP M + SPP L + SPP XL = not ok,

Not tested it yet.

The Hoshi is proving good for dealing with the Pirates while still allowing docking at the Pirate station.

Just under 17k Crystals left to take to the Hub. Two rounds of transfer/deliver and that bit is done.

3 ore mines left to reposition and then to complete the complex.

Norman leaned back in his chair, gripping the usual mug full of coffee. "This complex looks a bit untidy. Whats the meaning of this?" he asked his construction manager.

"Sorry sir, We were rushing the energy production side and forgot the ore mines. By the time we had got around to the ore, we could not connect them all to the main hub. So we connected clumps together and then hubs together,but some hubs were too far from each other to connect. So, we had to abandon some of the new tech to form hubs in between. They are all connected now sir. Just a few farms to use new-tech on and the XL size SPPs."

"Well, Oi'll 'av te come up with something better than that for old three-eyes,or we're out of here"

There was a nock on the door and the comms officer entered. Norman looked up, sipping some coffee.

" It's Mahi Ma sir. The Crystal phase is now complete and he want you to visit a friend of his. Some Paranid called Otmanckstras. I have called in one of our Expresses for you sir,as I believe you will need to transport him to Mahi Ma . "

Sometime later Norman was talking with this three eye ,and was told to pay him 15,000,000 credits as an up-front payment for his services.

"My mother always said don't speak to strangers Evil or Very Mad" he thought, but at this stage it was pocket money, so he did the deed and went to the Hub.

Now they want 400,000 Silicon,so now to put those TLs back to work.

He returned to Perpetual sin to see the final complex. "Looking a bit neater, Oi see. Now be careful next time. Some sectors have a lot more 'roids than this un, my friend."

With that the construction manager left for other matters to attend.

"Noo then Terry. What's this about considering other posts?"

" Well, I must admit it has been a great challenge working these new 'plexes.So much to learn and adjust to. And inspecting one production while inspection the other four at the same time ...well! I still bring one out on a platform sometimes ,just to prove the others are there too. I have enjoyed working for you Norman, but if anyone else could offer me a new challenge, then I may well consider it. I will stay on, if you wish, for as long as I may."

"You work well and beyond what many do. You are free to leave when you wish, now the other two have got their act together. But you are always welcome to stay or return."

"Thank you sir. Nothing planned as yet. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the matter."

"Of course Terry.Now if you see the other two, send them to me when they are free, will you? We need to discuss our next project".

Perpetual Sin Complex was...
  • 7 x Crystal Fab L,
  • 15 x Ore Mine L,
  • 6 x Silicon Mine L,
  • 2 x SPP M,
  • 2 x SPP XL,
  • 7 x Soyery L,
  • 7 x Soyfarm L,
  • + CCKs,

All Paranid: Total investment 154,100,236 cr

There are thre Nividium 'roids there for later use.

"ah good ov ya te drop by. Argon Council in Ore Belt has request we "tidy up" their sector with our new technology. Plutarch are particularly interested. Towing skills should be improved before we start. Oi don' wan' a complex looking loik this un."

"There are a lot of 'roids there Norman." commented Dermot.
"And plenty of Silicon amongst it." said Anna.

"Vunny you shud zay that. Take a look at what our friends at the Hub wants."

"Coincidental or what? " asked Dermot. " Only a while ago Terry suggested the new pair of gates should be between Argon Prime and Home of Light."

"He had other matters on his mind here,but tell him to go ahead with it."

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