Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 26 of 35)
Written by TTDSince switch off the PC last night, I have been considering how to go about building a complex so large. There is all the logistics of moving the roids. Where/when to place them. Perhaps this time Norman's construction manager should concentrate on building the individual complexes that will make up the completed structure.
Thus having multiple complexes above each other. Then connect the roids to the mini-plexes before joining the whole lot together into a large Mega-plex.
The Mega- plex will have the following...
- 28x Cahoona Bakery L,
- 1x Cahoona Bakery M,
- 28 Cattle Ranch L,
- 1x Cattle Ranch M,
- 48x Chip Plant,
- 16x Crystal Fab L,
- 2x Crystal Fab M,
- 61x Ore Mine L,
- 29 Silicon Mine L,
- 2x SPP M,
- 7x SPP XL,
At this stage I am not sure if my new rig will take it before I upgrade graphics and memory, But I will do what I can.
In order to boost funds for the Mega-plex construction, Norman has been out and about doing build missions. While searching, he stumbled upon another vacant ship in the UK sector next to Unholy Decent. Obviously he could not leave the Pericles Vanguard behind for space flies to makes nests in so he claimed it.
Silicon is being collected the same as the other Hub requirements were.There is also a dedicated Hub ship on buy for best price. In one evening it has dropped from 400k to 382k.
I wonder which will be finish first...the silicon collection or the Mega-plex ?
"This complex fascinates me. You have done well! Now show me that there are more than one station at any point", Lord Uckmankosset was asking Dermot to prove his words.
" The simplest way is for you to select any of these e-cells. You chose,then you will know we have not planted it for you."
"Very well. That one !" He was pointing directly at an e-cell block exact centre-side.
Trust this guy to be awkward... " Fine, you watch as we remove it and place it on the transport bed...This is the one you chose?" ha asked, thinking of the magician with card tricks he avidly watch as a child.
"Certainly. But I only see one!" "That is because we are still inside the main body of the complex. This SPP XL is actually two of the same, and is the first plant from the hub. We will be inside two transport tubes at the same time, but when we arrive at the hub then you will see that the hub is one unit ... " He let his thoughts trail off. The Lord was just staring at the e-cell block, using all three eyes.
They sped down to the hub and ... " ?!?!!?!? " The lord just could not express his thoughts in a language that humans could grasp! But to see the look of surprise on his face was enough to know that he was shocked and pleased.
" I must bid you farewell.I must report this to the Emperor Duke himself"
That evening they all laughed as Dermot recounted the earlier visit. " No need to worry about how the complex looks. It's function was impressive enough!" Dermot assured Norman. "by the way, while you've been gallivanting around the Paranid Empire doing build missions, we have lowered the silicon requirements for the hub to 313k. It will take a while this time.Seems to me he wants more from us each time.But at least we can travel Argon Prime to Queens Retribution with much less time or e-cell usage."
Before he rested up for some sleep,Norman had a quick look at his accounts. "Looking better than last time.," he thought. " I think I'll wait for the report in two days time before Oi start on te next un. Oi need twice what oi've got in credits any how soo may as well make the books look cosy afore oi start."
A good sleep is what he needed right now.Space travel is so monotonous and tiring when you travel for so long between getting these build missions.
"Looks like we had better get ready to move our construction team," Terry was saying to Dermot.
"Why's that?" he asked in return.
"Norman has been busy again. He has raised over half the credits we need now and seems to be heading towards the Ore Belt. Usually he just does a few and comes back here,before going off again. But this time he has reached the Paranid Core Sectors."
"Ok. I'll inform the Construction Manager to prepare for transfer to Ore Belt."
"While you're at it, you'd better remind our Chief Accountant to have the books ready for Norman. It's day 27 and Norman will want to send his reports on the 28th." reminded Anna.
220k silicon to deliver. Enough credits for complex in Ore belt.
"Yes sir, we are shipping out now," the construction manager was telling Dermot. "A new Mammoth has been ordered with two Argon EQ docks onboard for our new construction base in Ore Belt."
"Good. I believe Norman is docking with the Plutarch Mining Base any time now. Obviously they are experts in mine construction, so it would not do you any harm in popping up there yourself and getting any useful tips from those in the know,so to speak."
"Yes sir. You could be right about that. Norman was not too Happy with that last batch."
"ok then. You take RYU 2, and we'll come up with the tech team in Ryu 1. See you all soon. Let's get it right this time."
Some time later....
"Noice ta see the bases ready vor us," Norman said,as he entered Dermot and Anna's Office.
"I like to add my little touch here and there Norman." replied Anna.
" So, Norman, I believe you want us to approach this project a little differently. So as you've noticed I have our chief Construction engineer here too,so please explain." suggested Dermot,getting down to business.
"Argh, um yes. Well it's loik this see? Our sector viewing panels are having a hard job updating all the information when we are travelin' through busy or populated sectors. Karl Dysson, from Plutarch is having enough problems already, an' ee is a bit consarned aboot it. ....We came up with what may be a neat solution. .... Start the first 5 unit complex on the edge of normal view charts. .... The next, further away and in line with the first and so on.So that our equipment will not have to let us see everything all at once, loik.Just when we need to see it.
So what oi be a wantin' vor ya to do is build them all in a line working out. Number each stashun ,zo ya won't build too many or too few. Then get the moins in place, also in a line, and then start connecting them all. The furthest first until the last one is the final Hub for the complex.
If what Oi 'av' 'eard is roight, then this'l solve de problem."
"looks good on the diagram sir" said the the construction engineer " might take a bit longer to do, but it will be neater looking that the Paranid one"
"Just remember we are close to Argon Prime now. We don't want to upset the senate after all the expense the put into our honours, do we?" Suggested Terry. " I'll keep an eye on things from here,so if there's any problems we can sort it ."
Still at day 27,so no report tonight. Sorry guys. However the first two Cahoona complexes are done. I have gone for the 29 Ls as suggested earlier by a reader.
Day 27 - 16 hours 10 mins.
29 Cahhoona L complexes in place...5 groups of 5 , plus 1 of 4.
First 10 Cattle Ranches done.
29 Cahhoona L complexes in place...5 groups of 5 , plus 1 of 4.
First 10 Cattle Ranches done.
Mini-report 27-18:06
445,198,286 Cr
15 new tech complexes built so far
= 29 Cahoonas;29 Cattle ;and 15 Chip = 73 stations
445,198,286 Cr
15 new tech complexes built so far
= 29 Cahoonas;29 Cattle ;and 15 Chip = 73 stations
looks like this:
hub......new-tech-complex=5x Cahoona Bakery L
hub......new-tech-complex=4x Cahoona Bakery L
hub......new-tech-complex=5x Cattle Ranch L
hub......new-tech-complex=4x Cattle Ranch L
hub......new-tech-complex=5x Chip Plant
hub......new-tech-complex=4x Cahoona Bakery L
hub......new-tech-complex=5x Cattle Ranch L
hub......new-tech-complex=4x Cattle Ranch L
hub......new-tech-complex=5x Chip Plant
The down side at the moment is that my pilots who are training there seem to be distracted by my building activity and crush themselves into station pylons Evil or Very Mad
Their own fault for not paying attention!
Other threads on this problem recommend transferring the ships to another safe sector while you are IS (In Sector).
So,I have 73 stations so far out of 133,not counting the 61 Ore Mines and 29 Silicon Mines. Main stations may be the the easiest bit.
Towing 90 mines is going to take a while and may incur a few losses. But I will start with the nearest mine and work my way back to the furthest. You can only semi automate at best,as you have to be in the towing ship. Select destination after connection to the mine and tell your ship to go there. Select external camera view and watch carefully, in case other things are in the way.