Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 28 of 35)
Written by TTD
Only two ore mines tonight.
65,157 microchips to go.
I am trading with each mini-complex except those that are only Ore. Spent a while tonight topping up credits in all my stations.
If something happens worth mentioning, game wise, I'll revert back to story mode and see how Norman and the UTI are getting on.
The Super freighter is now emptying spoils of war, for the third time. I am finding this so profitable, I am thinking of setting up another SF for collect wares in Ore Belt.
Silicon down to 64,534 to collect.
Another pair of roids connected as mini-plex,and another roid ready to tow. I am docked there now, so should do two pairs tomorrow night and make a good dent in the remainder on Sunday.
ATM Plutarch is still here.
Another two mines linked and 63,807 microchips to collect.
Been at this most of the day.
Argon Trading Station has been back, but is now gone again. The second SPP that appears in Ore Belt, slightly NE of the first one, was destroyed.
Yes I have two collectors there now and I have lost count how many times I have emptied them Very Happy
I now have 25 mini-plexes for mines,plus the one I can't move. So that is 52 out of 90 now in plexes. One mine is in position and another is awaiting tow.
Microchip requirement is down to 60,535.
More tomorrow evening,again on Tuesday and hopefully most of Wednesday will see me nearly finished in Ore Belt.
About half way to next report. (Flying Time 33-00:04,Report due 35-00:00)
It's been an expensive two nights of shipwrecks!! I have lost at least 5 traders,through sector collisions. THREE at just one of my mini-plexes!
Seems those Mistrels will be a very tempting Purchase after this complex is done.
The good news is that I now have 27 mineral plexes pus the one I could not tow,so its 28 out of 45 so far. Hope to make a good dent in the remainder tomorrow.
Two of my TL's have been collecting Microchips,totaling over 14,000 Exclamation And the balance at the hub is now 59,389. So about 45k left to find!
time 33-08:30
date 768-06-04 08:30
Norman's fishy friend seems to like chips.
And to think I am not really trying to complete this stage of the Hub. Just concentrating on finishing the Mega-plex in Ore-Belt.
So I then need to take Mahi Ma to Kingdom End. Some have had problems with this, but I hope I will be ok. Then set the final pair of gates.
Later, when Norman decides the time is ripe to wreck not only the Teladi economy, but also it's merchant's and military fleets, I might just close one of their sectors off, by surrounding it with the hub in each direction filled with Norman's own military ships.
I was thinking a fourth set of gates would be good. But thinking of the requirement to build and not just activate them! .... erm... yeah!
Well, Norman was at his usual post,leaning back in his chair,viewing the monitor and clutching his favorite beverage. It was much cheaper here as The Terracorp HQ was only one sector away. He hoped Julian's Cafe Bar was still as comfortable as last time. He just wanted to go there again before he leaves Argon space again.
He sent word to the construction engineers to turn East, now that they were at the Northern Boundary. But this time to drop elevation to match the Southern Boundary.
15 mini-plexes left to build. He had lost another trader again.The sooner the mega-plex was finished, the better. But he had still been able to replace a few with 2nd Hand traders.
This mega-plex was costing him, even if all but the ore-plexes were put into use after construction. And now the Paranid have stopped their quarreling within Ore Belt, the collectors were almost as good as redundant. They only collected what goods are left over after collisions. And most often it was only e-cells,so no profit there really, not like missiles etc.
However,he did notice that the Argon had replaced the SPP that had been destroyed.
Finish today's session with 33 mini-plexes of roids,plus the odd one. So 34 out of 45 mines now connected. Hopefully I will have them done by Sunday night or soon after!
56,987 Microchips balance at the Hub, 18,668 Microchips collected by TLs.
38,289 Microchips left to find.
It's still a bet as to which is finished first, the Hub plot or this mega-plex.
Good news for Norman....Looks like the Paranid are back,so the collectors are picking up missiles etc again. Er...bad news Norman.One of your collectors just blew himself up against the west gate. So you're back to one again.
Game Flying 34-14:14
Game Date 768-06-05
The Hub was not an objective,so I did not guide my character to the Hub Plot. When all the requirements fell into place I decided that I would do it and see if I could beat the Mahi Ma bug, where he docks before you get back to him.[EDIT...Fixed inversion 3.1} I proved that with a planning and a fast ship,it was possible in vs 2.5.
About to collect mines for Mineral -plex 36 out of 45.
Norman was puzzled.
He had just received word from a Teladi official that he had "Lost Recognition" and was now "Venture Capitalist 98%".
He checked through the computer logs to see if he had missed anything.
Nothing of note there.
He then checked his property list to see if any ships had taken damage recently.
Nothing there.
He then checked his computer's universe map to see if any fighting was going on.
Nothing there.
This worried him. Had they begun to suspect something?
Something else puzzled him. He had bought a Discoverer Raider. And tried to get it to dock with other M5s and M3s in the Hoshi. The menu only offered stations.Yet there were only 7 fighters in the Hoshi. Confused Confused Confused
Completed that mini-plex. Hopefully two tomorrow and most of,if not the rest on Sunday. As soon as we get the mega-plex completed,we can get back to the story.
7 Day Report.
Flying time 35-04:58
Date 768-06-06 04:58
Well volks, Oi waz 'opin te 'av vinished at Ore Belt be noo, an' Oi think Oi'l be vinished bahvore long...Mebbe boi end o' te day.
Main Account 184.411,253
Location Ore Belt
Argon Hero of the Federation[L].................2%
Boron Knight of the Kingdom[L]................18%
Split Privileged Associate of Rhonkar[L].....52%
Paranid Honour Guard of Xaar[L]..............17%
Teladi Venture Capitalist[L]......................97%
246 Ships
734 Stations
211 Advanced Satellites
55,187 Microchips required at the Hub
21,400+ Microchips in TLs
Flying time 35-04:58
Date 768-06-06 04:58
Well volks, Oi waz 'opin te 'av vinished at Ore Belt be noo, an' Oi think Oi'l be vinished bahvore long...Mebbe boi end o' te day.
Main Account 184.411,253
Location Ore Belt
Argon Hero of the Federation[L].................2%
Boron Knight of the Kingdom[L]................18%
Split Privileged Associate of Rhonkar[L].....52%
Paranid Honour Guard of Xaar[L]..............17%
Teladi Venture Capitalist[L]......................97%
246 Ships
734 Stations
211 Advanced Satellites
55,187 Microchips required at the Hub
21,400+ Microchips in TLs
39/45 pairs of mines now complex-ed( including the 56y Silicon 'Roid
Well me boys are busy wid all dis construction an O'im goin back noo te kep an eye on 'em.
"...well Norman, it's nearly completed.We seem to have lost a mine, possibly an ore asteroid got destroyed somehow. There is an unusual dispersion of rocks near the North gate.." The construction manager was telling him.
" so all the mineral mini-plexes have been connected?"
"Yes sir. We start on the main body of factories very soon. Just waiting for our new shipment of CCKs."
"Very good,Well done."
Yes,over 200 stations connected when complete One pair of roids remained as a mini-plex.
Not sure which direction to go for now. ...same again in Savage Spur.
Not too much microchips to find now.About 22,000 after the ones in the TLs are subtracted.
Guess we are going to make history between us.
I found the advice to store goods in advance, and switch between productions within the same complex, helped a lot.
So readers, please note that this tutorial is an assimilation of advice and help from many experienced players. I do not take nor ask for full credit.