Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 29 of 35)
Written by TTD
Note from the Emp... Storing always does seem like a good idea, yes. Except for the Silicon. XL size 18. Last time that happened I bought a load of cheap factories which use Silicon (can't remember which) and complexed them to my mines to increase the amount held in the complex. Oh, and TSs are cheaper than TLs. 1x Mammoth - 60,000 space, 28Mcr 20x Mercury - 60,000 space, 4Mcr
Mega-plex connected. Churning out 460 or so chips per hour. Just took my first 500 and all the stored chips to Mahi Ma. 28k to find
Norman decided to take a few trips to clear his head. He had completed the Mega-Plex for the Plutarch. He had built one complex for the Split Strong Arms.
His Rep was going down a little with the Teladi. Hmmm. Still exploring that problem ,but the NMMC are now supplying some microchips for Mahi Ma. They seem to be helping Norman ,for some unknown reason....profitsses for them I'd expect,...but maybe ...
Yeah. Build a complex supplying the Teladi needs ,right in the heart of their trading HQ centre...PTNI!
Of course, Norman will just be "returning a favour" ...but.... if only the Teladi new what Norman's real objective was Twisted!
Nothing too big this time.Just enough to wedge his foot in the door.
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 3 x Flower Farm L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 28y,
- 1 x Quantum Tube Fab,
- 1 x Rimes Fact L,
- 5 x Silicon Mine L (2x11y,16y,7y and 23y),
- 1 x Snail Ranch L,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 1 x Space Jewelry L,
- 4 x Sun Oil Refinery L,
- 1 x Teladianium Foundry L,
- 1 x Weapon Component Factory L,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
Total 26 Stations (5 types for New-Tech construction)
Total cost 76,490,288 cr
There will be a slight shortfall in silicon but theoretical profit of 1,327,980 cr per hour.
He spent a little time paying the old Duke a visit,and was given a build mission in the sector.
He upgraded Mahi Ma's Enhanced Dolphin and made sure there was Cargo Life Support installed, and sent it to the Hub.
27,800 microchips required there. Over 1K in storage again.
"We have the spare TLs storing the microchips.Four out of the five silicon mines have been connected into two miniplexes and are functioning as per the Ore belt project." "Good.Well done boys. Now you deserve a break. Thank you for my usual office at our new EQ Docks. I see you have already automated energy purchasing."
That's right. PTNI HQ project is underway.
Supply Complex in PTNI HQ now complete. Not much happening around the Duke's Haven,so pointless trying anything there for now.
Comms Officer walked into Norman's office. "yes?" asked Norman.
Comms passed Norman the communication pad.
"Thankyou," he said glance quickly down the message. "leave this one here for now and ask Dermot to drop by, can you?"
"Yes sir," replied Comms as he exited the office.
A while later Dermot walk in.
"On your own,Dermot?"
"oh, there were a few final things to do with the new complex here for the NMMC,so she stayed behind to deal with them."
"Right then. Well, I have had word from a little known corporation."
"Oh?" , he raised his eyebrows.
"Er yes. The Jonferson Space Dynamics Division,or Jonferco as some call it. "
"So what does it want? As if i could not guess already."
"Well It's apparently a specialist corporation,civilian they say, that deals in engineering and installation designs. So yes,they want to know more about these New-Tech Complexes we build.What do you think about it?"
"Not sure. Could give us an ally in the future,trading designs etc.Where are they based?"
"Oim a thikin' about the zame lines az you there.A slightly more dangerous place.Some Xenon traffic. It's the Belt of Aguilar. Not to far from where we sent Terry.Just a few sectors off to the west of there."
"Ok. I'll take a look at what data we have and confer with Master Xadrian,and get back to you when I have solid info."
"Foin.Oi'l be a waitin'. "
With that dermot left for his data-base.
Dermot chatted to Master Xadrian. Then he brought up the ships data.
"What on in the universe do they expect from us?"he was asking himself." No roids we can exploit. All roids taken producing Silicon and Ore.The only other factories are two are wheat farms. All we can produce for them is e-cells!?!? "
A while later and he was back in Norman's office.
.... " I can't think what they were expecting from us, Norman, but the best I could come up with is this..." he passed the data pad to Norman,who then looked at the figures.
- 3 x Cahoona Bakery L,
- 3 x Cattle Ranch L,
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x SPP XL,
Total cost with CCKs 50,020,352 cr
Shortfall 563x Silicon/hr. Profit estimate 937,737 Cr/hour"
"I see what you mean,but it does give us 3x New-Tech Plexes to toy with, even if they are not as big as some of the ones we've put together. We'll take Hoshi along for some protection.Might be time to buy another. I'm sure we won't be noticed if we are just using it for our own protection.".....
New complex for Atreus HQ.
- 4 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 4 x BoFu Chemical Plant L,
- 1 x Computer Plant,
- 3 x Crystal Plant L,
- 1 x Massom Mill L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 4y,
- 1 x Plankton Farm L,
- 1 x Quantum Tube Fab,
- 1 x Scruffin Farm L,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 1 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
- 4 x Cahoona Bakery L,
- 4 x Cattle Ranch L,
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 13,
- 1 x Quantum Tube Fab,
- Rimes Fact L,
- Silicon Mine L,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 1 x Weapon Component Factory,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
Norman took control of Ryu 1. It had been very busy for a while. Two corporations left to build for, but the Duke's have to have some stations there to build for.He had only put one station for them there so far. No...that place is full of problems.No 'roids.Regular skirmishes with Paranid ,not many stations.
However,he went to Home of Light.Plenty more stations there...and his favorite coffee....
...Glancing around the lounge he found a nice quiet alcove in which to savor the flavor...
Less than 10k silicon to find.Not bad,considering he was not actually planning to start so soon on the Hub project. But that Mahi Ma friend of his is so impatient!
A nice place to find out about the rest of the universe.You never know who will be talking to you next, or about what they are about to tell you.. especially when you think things are going smooth...
"Er.hem." A slight cough and the gentleman continued... " Mind if I join you?" he asked, already drawing out the seat to place himself in.
Norman looked up a bit startled.He had been a sector away, in his mind,thinking of home and how life had changed from when he was there,before his uncle had been put out of business.
"Help yourself,erm...friend? It's always good to find out how other people view the universe."
Whoever it was, seemed to be either Argon or Terran.He wore ill fitting clothes that seemed have been worn longer than intended,but neat-ish,although patched.He had obviously seen better days.
"Thankyou.Y our face looks familiar. My name is Tolgarth. I was never given a second name, but that's another story. You looked a bit lost in your own little galaxy there, so I thought you might like a little company."
"Ok, Tolgarth. I may seem familiar to you as my picture was all over Argon space recently.My name is Norman. Norman Feisty."
"Yeah.. Now I remember... You're the guy with some new design in factory complexes...Wow!"
"Point is,it was not my design originally. Many people before me mused about the idea.Other dismissed it as something fanciful. Can't happen, won't happen,and even if it did it would just blow itself up. I just thought about it a bit further and discovered that it can be done,if you are careful and quick enough. Our usual New-Tech plexes are 5 station blocks,but rumors are that someone did 12 before reaching critical."
"So what brings you to Home of Light when you have explored west to east of the southern universe?"
"One final complex before I start on my original quest...and my favorite coffee.of course Laughing "
At that point two Yaki stepped to the table. "Excuse me gentlemen, but we need to discuss something... in our ship's office." The larger of the two said, exposing his side arm to show this was not just an invitation.
"But...but...but" stammered Tolgarth. Norman said "Looks like you've had an adventurous life. Come.this may prove interesting."
Sometime later ....
Comms Officer calls in on Dermot.
"We've got some bad news Sir !"
"Oh,and just as things were going so well.What is it?"
"It's the Captain of Ryu 2"
"Demanding his paycheck or asking for a refit?"
"Neither Sir. He's report that Norman has possibly been abducted sir. Last seen leaving Home of Light docked in a Chokaro. The Chokaro was not ours ,sir and he has remained radio silent.Apparently he left Julian's bar with three others. Two were Yaki,and the third did not seem to fit with them for some reason the captain could not explain."
"Ok. Cancel all shore leave until further notice.And send word to our freighter captains to be careful around the Yaki. All contacts to keep a good eye out for any activity that may lead us a clue."
"Right you are sir.As good as done."
Dermot looked at his life-partner. She looked worried...
... "Yes sir. One of our freighter captains report having seen Norman's personal ship cruising under autopilot. It is programmed to dock at our base in Duke's vision....No life-signs on board sir."
"ok. Send word to the base and get the Techs to see if Norman has left any clues. This does not sound good...not good at all."
He looked at Ann. "Well " she said, "Might be a good time to get those Military staff off their seats and back to work. We have an abundance of M4s through to M3s.We have over 200M credits for refits"
"Yes,but do we have the time?"
A few days later,Norman's Elite limped into the docking bay. Full investigation went underway immediately. Black-box removed and taken to the lab.
All Equipment that Norman had added,had been removed before the ship's computer had been programmed to return to base. Two PACs had also been missing on arrival.
No forced entry and no damage anywhere. The chief investigator was not happy. "No clues here.I want that black-box decoded immediately!" he snapped at one of his team.
Some time earlier...
"Well,well,well.Who have we here?" asked the Yaki Prince. " If it's not our old friend Tolgarth, alias Jack Brown alias Brian Applegate, alias...need I go on? Which name do you trade with now Tolgarth?"
"Just Tolgarth.The past is past and I was about to try anew start when we were interupted by your gracious invitation."
"Enough for now.You just happened to be here at the wrong time.It's your companion, Norman, whom we are really interested in,but as you are here,I'll give you a new career with Norman.We have some plans for him, and you can assist him.Shall we say as payment of debts owed by you?"
"But...but...but ...I thought we had a deal?"
"You should know by now that word of mouth is not worth the paper it's written on.The deal was canceled as you were somewhat slower than we would like. Now my friend.Norman,I hope your two Hoshi's are serving you well?"
"Indeed.Thankyou. Noo whaat's all dis fuss aboot?"
"Well,surely you have noticed Yaki ships in your scanners nearly everywhere you have been? They weren't told to keep out of range."
"We were amused by your trick of getting station masters to pay you for things you did not actually do. But when you decided to use those Hoshi's last time...Well I lost some good ships and NONE of us are amused any more. It's time you did some work for us to balance the books,so to speak."
"and if i decline?"
"well, no more Yaki ships. I think your stations and ships in our sectors may have a few accidents."
"putting it like that,Oi think you may 'av me ear.Noo explain te me and your friend 'ere what it is you require."
"very well.Your personal ship has items you will need.We won't give you everything,but you need send your ship back to one of your stations when all transfers are complete.Your replacement ship is already docked here. But we will leave the sector before transfer.I will tell you more after your old ship is well on it's way."