Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 30 of 35)
Written by TTD
Later, after a few jumps...
" We need to know more about the universe.There are places we have not been and do not want to take any unnecessary risks ourselves, but you on the other hand .... It's ok,I won't tell if you don't... So we would like you to explore the Teladi sectors North East section of the universe. Yes I thought that might interest you.But along with that, all the other sectors of that region you have not reached yet. You can claim any derelicts you may find. But only use your credits through a special code I give you. No radio calls, sub space messages or message drones. We will be monitoring your progress.Only return to Yaki space when you are sure all sectors have been examined.
Dangerous? Yes.Easy? No. Fail me and Yaki sectors will be barred for you. Do you both understand?"
They nodded as one in agreement. "very well.Your ship awaits you."
He was shown the ship he was to use. An M5 Fujin Class.Very basic and cramped.It had a 1MJ shield and not much else. Maximum speed of over 400m/s but could not reach 120 yet.
Still he could fit two more 1 MJ shields.If only he had carried some spare. He quickly transferred the Fujin,along with Jump-drive and anything else he could take with him. Especially the special software he'd got from the old Duke.If he was going to claim any ships, he did not want to be in space suit in hostile sectors!
"Well Tolgarth,or what ever your real name is,looks like we are company for now, what ever you are thinking. As this mission is aimed at me,I'll fly this tin bucket and you can navigate etc."
"Very well.We have limited fuel space, so we'll jump to Empire's edge to refuel, since you did not bring much with you. Then to Queen's Space to refuel.After that you can tell it to [FLY THROUGH GATE] and select the East gate in Family Whi."
...They entered at the east gate and before they could focus on the view,the Fujin immediately turned and went through the gate it had emerged from.
Share - Holder's Fortune was a dark place.The only glimpses of colour were on passing ships. First thing was to Map Sector. Focus on map centre, pan out... "ah yes...800 radius should serve us well"
several SPPs.That would be useful....Before long they were offered a Vulture Hauler,which they sent to Kingdom End. Then they found the gate to The Vault which they then explored. Second pass and they found a derelict,used the software to claim it and sent it to the local EQ dock. Another pass and they were offered Falcon Hauler (very useful) and a Vulture Super Freighter. Both of which were sent for refit. Making sure with one more pass,that nothing else was to be found ,they also docked for refit.
The Sentinel they sent to Kingdom End after refit. the others were set to ST in Shareholder's Fortune. Did their own refit and set off again for Mines of Fortune. Having mapped the entire sector, Norman was interested in all the roids,So he scanned them too. "Why did you not scan the last batch of roids?" asked Tolgarth. "Hmmm...Have you ever seen a Yaki Mine?..."
While scanning he was offered another Vulture SF ,which he sent for refit in the Vault.
Two silicon 'roids caught his attention.70 and 72 yields. "Once this mission is over, we should come back 'ere" mused Norman, setting course for the trading station before heading south.
This continued until They had mapped Tkr's Deprivation when they encountered their first problem. There was a derelict rough north of the centre,but the was a Kha'ak cluster that had just dispersed. Norman quickly docked at the trading port to evaluate the situation.
Local militia solved the problem. Scanned asteroids and claimed ship.(Buzzard Hauler)
...Sometime later and they were in Thyn's Abyss...
"Ok Tolgarth.Any good with PACs?"
"Fired a few volleys in my time.Why?"
"You'd better be good.We have only two on board and we are about to go through that gate to the west."
Tolgarth gulped. His face lost colour. "Are you serious?" he asked.
"Oi be as serious as the Yaki Prince askin' us to."
" Get us some jump fuel for emergencies then" Tolgrth replied, not at all happy about it.
Norman could hardly stop laughing all the way back to the Split trading Port.
"That was...was..was not my idea of a joke Norman!" stammered Tolgarth. "Did you not tell me what your plan was? Yeah we went through that gate, but you did not tell me you meant from the other side of that sector!"
Norman had memorized his uncle's sketched maps and decided to make good use of his memory. They jumped to Black Hole Sun just after a Q raiding party had emerged,thus they were behind the convoy. Then they doubled back into Xenon Sector 472,which according to his uncle was very small between gates.
Tolgarth had recoiled when he saw the Q raiding party and had barely recovered when the Fujin had spun round and entered Xenon 472. Then faced almost head on the full Xenon fleet that remained there.Sweat had poured from his face as Norman spun the ship round to face the east gate and quickly circumnavigated the Xenon.
"Zoory ol'chap.You must agree it waz exitin' tho'"
For those interested I have just completed The Hub requirements and Mahi Ma is in Kingdom End, being transport by his former Enhanced Dolphin.
"Where is my friend, Norman? He was supposed to give me transport to Kingdom End." Mahi Ma asked.
Dermot replied that " Norman has gone missing, I am one of his closest friends, so I felt it my duty to perform this task in his absence."
"Oh..Seems all my friends go missing lately.Hope you find him soon"
Later they said their farewells.
Now to decide what to do with the third set of gates.
So far, all had gone well.He was making sketched maps, like his uncles to compare later, in case the Yaki prince decides mot to let him keep the computer data. They had not seen ANY Yaki, that is, until now... A Yaki Rajin Raider,piloted by Almanckamstras. "Maybe he is intersted in the Pirate Base I found @ -133, 18.2, 24.3 Hmm...why now?"
They were in Zyarth's Dominion,and had seen a couple of Q raiding parties,but managed to avoid them.
Xenon sector 695 was too difficult to get into with the Fujin, so they ordered a Split Jaguar at over 500 m/s. Maximum speed. Meanwhile they proceeded to Ocean of Fantasy.where they were hailed by Humi Wi.
"No radio messages".... Oh well,they were too busy anyway to get involved with other projects. It might be important , but they can come back anytime.
Suddenly ship's computer started to blast... "DANGER...ENTERING ATMOSPHERE !!! ...DAnGER...ENTE..."
Norman had been so used to just entering the sector radius ,without problems that this caught him out. Nearly fatal. Some of these ships might look like atmosphere capable, but without shielding they would burn up in no time.
66% Hull integrity remaining.
"PHEW Exclamation That was close." It was Norman's turn to sweat this time.
Tolgarth just sat there grinning... "You didn't fool me that time Norman!"
"You WHAT ?!?!?!?!? "
"Well there is a Shipyard here and we're out of coffee."
"FOOL. We were nearly roasted too, then!"
They made their way to the station.
...A quick repair and restock of coffee, and they were on their way to Hila's Joy where they found an Advanced Baracuda ready to claim.
"You did not tell me that there were not even IREs installed!"
"Did we need 'em Tolgarth?We went into every Xenon sector ,North-east of the universe centre. Even that last missile barely burnt the hull and that was only with it's thrusters." "But...but...but you did not tell me. That's the point." Point is Tolgarth,is we are both alive and ready to re-board the Fujin and return it to the Jolly prince. Now nip back and get me a coffee."
Security Chief Stafford was sat at his desk staring at the black box placed before him. The note attached said [ No further information found ].
Then he got a message...
"... Rare ships and some other fighters have docked....No pilots....All with Norman Feisty as owner....Details of where they have come from have been erased..."
More information was needed.What was his employer up to? Why the secrecy?How were the Yaki involved?
All heads of departments were ordered back to Duke's Vision.
Norman and Tolgarth returned to Getsu Fune. All needed equipment was transferred from the Jaguar. Then they made a tour of the EQ Docks with the claimed ship on "auto", in preparation for their journey back to the Prince. He gave the Jaguar to Tolgarth to pilot. It was faster,but the Fujin did have the jumpdrive.The last few sectors he resorted to normal thrusters,giving Tolgarth time to catch up.
They docked at the Yaki Shipyard almost together. Yaki security invited them to remain at some quarters that had been set for them, for a good rest.Meanwhile the data recorded on their ships would be collated and removed. the Prince would call for them the next day. Time for some much needed rest.
They awoke the next morning and was shown to the mess hall where they ate breakfast. Then they were directed to the Prince's office.
"Well.thank you both for your hard work.A good idea to use a Jaguar for the more dangerous areas. We have removed the reconnaissance data from it and ask that you claim all you need from the ship I gave you. We will be retaining that one.However,you may purchase another Hoshi or try an Akuma at a special price. The usual bare-bones ship I'm afraid,as we do not have our own EQ docks out here .... You are both free to leave, and I look forward to supplying you,N orman, with many ships for your..erm..needs,shall we say?"
"You...you...you could have just asked us to visit you, instead of k... k ... kidnapping us though. But we both enjoyed our little sight seeing tour" said Tolgarth, still feeling irritated at having his evening interrupted.
Norman nodded his head in agreement, but was a bit more careful. "It was an honour to serve. I saw things I had only heard of. As for your financial offer,I think I will take you up on the Akuma.The statistics look interesting, even if it is a little on the slow side."
Very well. Leave as soon as you are able.We are busy here.
Later, after some discussion of details,Norman employed Tolgarth and asked him to take the Jaguar to the base in Duke's Vision and report to Chief Security Officer Stafford for a complete debrief. Meanwhile he had a new ship to get fitted.
"So Tolgarth is it?" asked CSO Stafford."And you say Norman is abroad having fun fitting an Akuma?"
"Yes sir,to the best of my knowledge" replied Tolgarth
" And you are now to be given employ in this sector?"
"That is correct."
"Well, if I had not had your info-pad verified,I would find you whole story unconvincing. If Norman is stepping up the Military ships,then I think your first job should be to go through the entire inventory of fighter class ships.You will be working for security ,in first order. Military transfer may come later if needed....Dismissed."
Tolgarth was pleased everything was going well,despite the initial setback with the Yaki hijacking his initial attempt to get into Norman's confidence.