Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 31 of 35)
Written by TTD
" An Akuma has been sited entering this sector sir. It has changed course and heading directly for this base, but is out of comms range" informed the comms officer.
CSO Stafford checked his sector screen for confirmation. "Very well. Amber Amber alert,until ID confirmed."
"This is Norman Feisty aboard the YM2TS-90 Akuma, requesting permission to dock"
"Welcome back Sir,Permission granted."
"Woi,thankin' ye! Zee ya all soon."
Norman approached his quarters. There was an armed guard at his door.
"Sorry sir. You cannot enter without security clearance.Do you have ID?"
"Oi'll giv' ee 100% for doing your job, but nil vor learning who pays ya. Now if you please,I will enter my quarters. Dismissed."
"Sorry sir. Did not recognize you. Welcome back."
First thing was to get get a coffee and check his terminal for what's happened while away.
...Next was the debrief.
Necessary, but annoying...he was the boss.He new where he had been. No need for anything else, surely?
...That out the way he called all senior staff to the observation lounge to discuss future plans. There were still the matter of a complex for Terracorp and the old Duke.
Time to consolidate and prepare.Trying to fit the Akuma taught him that he can't rely on the universe to provide everything. It was still empty in some gun housings,even thought it held it's own against two pirate M6s in Argon Prime and also a couple of Kha'ak Clusters did not last long.
Armament complexes are now needed to outfit capitol ships.If built within Yaki space, they should prove safe and valuable, both as resource for fitting but also possible trade.
More sector supply complexes are needed.
High yield 'roids need to be exploited.
All these things and other ideas were discussed at the meeting.
Home of Light.This was quickly sorted. All TLs were brought in for station construction. One had a Teladianium Foundry M, bought by mistake at some point,so L size was not installed here. Total as follows...
- 1 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 1 x Bofu Chemical Lab L,
- 3 x Cahoona Bakery L,
- 3 x Cattle Ranch L,
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Plankton Farm,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 1 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Stott Mixery L,
- 1 x Teladianium Foundry M,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
Next issue came up quicker than expected.
General Report...
Weaver's Tempest had turned against us. Then Senator's Badlands joined the boycott. Managed to get an assassination mission that was over in seconds with the Akuma. That let me dock at the Yaki Shipyard again. Then we got a break... ...Build missions into Weaver's Tempest,quick in and out jobs. Then station protect missions.
If you are going to do these by sending other ships, MAKE SURE YOUR SHIPS ARE BETWEEN THE STATION AND ATTACKING SHIPS. Else you could end up destroying the station you are trying to protect,thus losing the rep you want to gain. That gave me access to stations in Weaver's Tempest and "goody goody"...three or four more build missions, including some in Ocracoke's Storm.
Relations with the Yaki have improved after that. We have 297,343,491 cr now. Time to evaluate things again.
More build missions for Yaki. They are gaining three trading sectors now instead of having little or nothing there.
The third pair of gates have been aligned to Senator's Badlands ond Weaver's Tempest. This was done to facilitate faster equipping of Yaki bought Ships. The gate linked to Queen's Retribution might be turned to link it with Queen's Harbour, for similar reasons.
The seven day report is due soon. Day 39- 19:24 atm. next report day 42.
Since linking the third gates this way, my supply station in Weaver's Tempest has suddenly sprung to life. It can't keep up with demand for Space W/F! And there is a constant stream of traffic going to and from it, buying up virtually all it can produce!
Remember how I got Falcon Haulers to fill my TLs with resources for the Hub Question Well, I am doing the same with the two IBL stations in Weaver's T. I have two TLs down there slowly filling with IBLs.
One of the Build Missions for the Yaki was an SPP, so I am doing the same with that,so that when my other TLs in that region run out, of e-cells,they can just go there and transfer as much as they need,rather than be limited by the amount an EQ dock can hold.
Ok. How are ye all?
Oi a bin doon at te old Duke's sector an voun' de stion oi built ther vor 'im gone!
zo oi 'ung aroun' vor zome time doin' small stuff loik.
Eeeevencharlee 'ee giv oi a build mission.
Then the two stahshuns worked together, loik, givin' me zum work deliverin' e-cells an' zuchloik.
Whahll af'er zom time dey giv' oi zom mar build missions an' noo oi 'av gooten 'em ...
- 1 x Crystal Fab M,
- 1 x Desitegrator Rifle Fab,
- 1 x Hornet Missile Factory,
- 1 x Massom Mill M,
- 1 x Soyfarm M,
It's just a boot comin' tgether loik, and oi may zoon be a able te giv im a New - Tech Complex.
More from the Emp
I'll give you a nasty tip. It goes like this:
- Ships all enter Weaver's Tempest. Some get through and buy goods, some fall to the Yaki.
- Ships go back to the gate and get killed on the way out by the Yaki gaurds.
- A TS of yours collects anything dropped, including most of the weed/fuel you've just sold to them.
Right den.
Oi'm still doon wid de old Duke an' doin' missions loik.
Oi've a bin tekin' dem stahshun protek mishuns and oi got it goin' good noo. Oi stay in dis zecter loik, and 'av me Hoshi in Heaven's Assertion, near the South gate. De Hoshi 'its 'ard an Oi get al de gredits! An' Oi am bein' prazed vor a job well done.
Dat Hoshi Pilot an' crew deserve a good reward in their paycheck!
Vound zome more Build missions and am settlin' vor 10 az vollows....
- 1 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Disintergrator Rifle Fab,
- 1 x Dream Farm M,
- 1 x HEPT Forge,
- 1 x Hornet Missile Factory,
- 1 x Massom Mill M,
- 1 x Quantum Tube Fab,
- 1 x Shield Production Fab 200 MJ,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 1 x Soyfarm M,
This gave me the following complex,New tech where possible....
- 1 x Cahoona Bakery L,
- 1 x Cattle Ranch L,
- 1 x Chelt Space Aquarium L,
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Rastar Refinery L,
- 1 x Scruffin Farm L,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 3 x Soyery L,
- 3 x Soyfarm L,
It has to import 562 silicon per hour min to keep full production.
However, here is something I may not have mentioned before...I often set an above average price for e-cells to help ensure continuity of production, especially if not self sustaining.
This concludes New-tech building for Corporations.
If you are flying a freighter, eg Mistrel SF, then if you keep at least one of each item you trade in, you can use the 5/6 keys to better advantage. Go figure.
Consolidation and supplies
At this point Norman has decided to consolidate his trading relationships with those around him. First off, the Boron are to the North and South of his main base in Duke's Vision. So he will start at the Northern Boron sectors and then, The Argon/Paranid.The Yaki seem happy for now, so then the Teladi,to keep them happy and then the Split , to avoid to avoid upsetting them.
The first complex to go up will be in Kingdom End and comprises of the following....
- 7 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 6 x Bo Fu Chemical Plant L,
- 1 x Chip Plant,
- 5 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 7yield,
- 2 x Plankton Farm L,
- 1 x Rimes Fact L,
- 2 x Snail Ranch L,
- 2 x SPP XL,
- 1 x Space Jewelry L,
- 1 x Stott Mixery L,
- Teladianium Foundry L,
- 2 x Wheat Farm,
You may notice a slightly different approach to this now.
This is the mass consolidation,where Norman provides an excess of products etc for each sector. Thus endeavoring to take the markets from the Teladi financial institutions.
This will be a long procedure and the Teladi will have to move into the Terran sectors to continue business... at least until Norman gains notoriety there and does the same again.
At some point the Teladi are going to turn against Norman for the causing loss of profitssses, so he must turn his attention more towards setting up his security division.An Akuma,2 Hoshi and a rag tag of M3,4&5's won't help much.
So the rest of today, I will concentrate on Kingdom End etc.First off he needs to scan the 'roids.
The main problem with these sectors is there are no silicon 'roids,until you get into Argon Space. Although you can find collectible rocks for the purpose. That would mean setting up TLs to collect and having Falcon Haulers, based in the TL selling to your complex. Basically the reverse of product storage when doing the Hub Plot. I am not using this method atm,so rely on npc traders to supply the needed silicon.
Rolk's Drift...
The needed stations to provide a surplus is as follows...
- 5 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 4 x BoFu Chemical Lab L,
- 1 x Chip Plant,
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Plankton Farm L,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 2 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
Quite by accident,I caused one of my TLs in KE to start collecting rocks.It had started collecting silicon before I realized. So I am using the above method and renamed it to include_once "silicon" in it's name.This should cause it only to collect silicon.
Rolk's Drift went well.
Now in Queens Space there are some game silicon mines set up,so there will be a supply in the area. Norman's job here is to ensure those supplies don't run dry,so although there are also SPPs here, I have include_onced a surplus production of e-cells too.
Queens Space therefore required..
- 5 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 4 x BoFu Chemical Lab L,
- 3 x Crystal Fab L,
- 2 x Ore Mine L 8y,
- 1 x Rimes Factory L,
- 2 x SPP L,
- 1x Teladianium Foundry L,
- 2 x Wheat Farm L,