Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 32 of 35)
Written by TTDWell Oi 'av' bin a bit bizzy o' late, but oi have justaboot time te giv' 'ee zom idea o' wot oi've bin a doin'.
42 days and 7 mins.
Date 768-6-13
Account 603,117,391 cr.
Available at stations ...over 290,000,000cr
Tycoon 70%
Fighter Chief 13%
Argon Hero of the Federation L ...4%
Boron Knight of the Kingdom L ...18%
Split Privileged Associate of Rhonkar L ...94%
Paranid Honour Guard of Xar L ...16%
Teladi Company Director L ...22%
Goner Believer ...22%
Factories built 1797
Complexes built 25
Marines 45 (1-5* fighters, no missions)
Ships 289
adv Sats 234
2 x M1 1 x M2,
3 x M6,
89 x M3,
46 x M4,
37 x M5,
10 x TL (Mammoth),
2 x TL (Ryu),
3 x TM,
86 x TS,
11 x TP,
Total 290 ships
Account 603,117,391 cr.
Available at stations ...over 290,000,000cr
Tycoon 70%
Fighter Chief 13%
Argon Hero of the Federation L ...4%
Boron Knight of the Kingdom L ...18%
Split Privileged Associate of Rhonkar L ...94%
Paranid Honour Guard of Xar L ...16%
Teladi Company Director L ...22%
Goner Believer ...22%
Factories built 1797
Complexes built 25
Marines 45 (1-5* fighters, no missions)
Ships 289
adv Sats 234
2 x M1 1 x M2,
3 x M6,
89 x M3,
46 x M4,
37 x M5,
10 x TL (Mammoth),
2 x TL (Ryu),
3 x TM,
86 x TS,
11 x TP,
Total 290 ships
Any discrepancy is the result of tired calculations after long days of work.
Next stop Menelaus' Frontier.
- 6 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 5 x BoFu Chemical Lab L,
- 4 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 14y,
- 1 x Plankton Farm L,
- 3 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 2 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Teladianium Foundry L,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
A nice thing about this complex is that the 14y Ore 'roid is off the trading route, so no towing to some safe place.
For silicon supply at the MF I added a TS ,home-based and set to buy at best price.
Then I moved down into Rolk's Drift. Through the gate I was offered a Barracuda and two Dolphin Super Freighters, all available at the same moment of time!
I rarely get offered so many!And when I do, they are usually different ships.So to get two DSFs like that... well it must have been the DFS super sale Laughing ( UK TV advert,for those who don't get the joke).
Anyway,I check out what was needed here and have come up with the following...
- 6 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 5 x BoFu Chem Lab L,
- 4 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Flower Farm L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 10y,
- 1 x Quantum Tube Fab,
- 1 x Rimes Fact L,
- 3 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 2 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Teladianium Foundry L,
- 1 x Weapons Component Factory,
- 2 x Wheat Farm,
Once again I home-based a TS for silicon purchase. For some reason it was harder to put this complex together. Not sure why. Next up is Atreus' Clouds.
Sunday. I went on to the chat site ,here on the Ego website, as the forum was down. EmperorJon asked me how many of the 1000 plus stations are actually mine.
I did a check of all the complexes. So not counting EQ Docks and Trading Stations and not counting the Xenon Hub...
My total stations are...
....roll of drums....
794 !!!
Not all sectors have stations that Norman's gang has built.
Started on the complex for Atreus Clouds tonight. That will be another 28 stations
Did three station protect missions there while working out how I am going to build there. Had to bring in both Hoshi's. I had two such missions running at the same time.The third was a repeat of the first. So I nearly lost the station.
Total income from those missions was 1,097,468 cr.
Not sure how I missed telling you. Maybe it was the FastCGI messages and downtime etc.
Anyways,the Complex for Atreus' Clouds
- 6 x Bio Gas Factory L,
- 5 x BoFu Chem Lab L,
- 4 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 7y,
- 2 x Snail Ranch L,
- 3 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 2 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Space Jewelry L,
- 1 x Teladianium L,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
Once again I will have to find Silicon from somewhere.
While prepping for Three Worlds,I did some build missions,which increased the local requirements. The first thing I did ,when the requirements were calculated,was to send Norman off to scan debris.
This yielded the following resource information...
Message from Xai Corporation : Mineral Scanner Software (advanced Eclipse)
Asteroid Debris Survey for sector Three Worlds
Ore ..................4205
Silicon Wafers ...2112
Nividium ................0
Ice ........................0
Asteroid Debris Survey for sector Three Worlds
Ore ..................4205
Silicon Wafers ...2112
Nividium ................0
Ice ........................0
Now that is a good start for silicon.Bare in mind that these resources seem infinite now,I can supply my local supplies base , indefinitely topping up the silicon mining. So when the complex was built,I set the Mammoth 05 to collect rocks,after adding Silicon to it's name. Then set the five Falcon Haulers to sell silicon to the supply base for -1 times.
The complex has the following installed...
- 5 x Cahoona Bakery L,
- 6 x Cattle Ranch L,
- 4 x Crystal Fab L,
- 1 x Ore Mine L 21y,
- 2 x Plankton Farm L,
- 1 x Scruffin Farm L,
- 1 x Silicon Mine L 26y,
- 3 x SPP L,
- 1 x Soyery L,
- 2 x Soyfarm L,
- 1 x Stott Mixery L,
- 1 x Wheat Farm L,
The build missions were Phased Shockwave Generator Forge (Paranid) Solar Power Plant M (Boron)
Well I went next door into Power Circle next. Still a short fall of wafers.so sent Norman off again for a debris scan. Meanwhile I checked to see what this sector needed and what extra I needed to support it. Master Xadrian came up with the following. I will add that I ended up putting in an EQ dock so that I could dock in my Ryu to save the game occasionally. At one point I was placing the last station and pressed the ENTER key by mistake,thus placing it on the connecting hub docks. Evil or Very Mad
From now on read as size L factories unless I specify otherwise.
- 3 x Bio Gas Factory,
- 2 x BoFu Chem Lab,
- 4 x Cahoona Bakery,
- 5 x Cattle Ranch,
- 3 x Crystal Fab,
- 1 x Plankton Farm,
- 1 x Scruffin Farm,
- 1 x Silicon Mine 6y,
- 2 x SPP,
I am now giving Mammoths 06 and 07 a set of Falcon Haulers. 06 will pick up silicon rocks here.
Debris scan returned...
Ore ...................2340
Silicon Wafers ....2269
Niv/ice ...0
07 is reserved for now as Antigone Memorial has two 61y silicon 'roids there.
Antigone Memorial seemed very little to supply at first,but when I added in my needed resources to provide for the sector, it turned up 25 stations! as follows...
- 2 x Bio Gas Facts,
- 1 x BoFu Chem Lab,
- 5 x Cahoona Bakery,
- 6 x Cattle Ranch,
- 4 x Crystal Fab,
- 1 x Plankton Farm,
- 1 x Scruffin Farm,
- 2 x silicon Mine 61y,
- 3 x SPP,
At the moment I have not started to build here yet.
Well,wa'd'ya'no' ? Oi've a bin granted access to the Inner Circle of Rhonkar! They're a fickle lot,but Oi 'av access to the M1/M2s now. And some stations they wuldna let me 'av bevor.
We've a bin workin' away at buildin' dem complexes vor de Argon an av completed the one in Antigone Memorial. Destroyed a few rocks when us placed de SPPs,but all up an' runnin' noo. Lovely surplus for sale.
Noo te put up de one in The Hole.
We're a gonna 'av de followin'. There's not so much as particle af mineral dust 'ere in dis pea-soup, zo we're gonna ave te import de silicon. First off Oi ordered an EQ Dock. Oi want me an office an refuel station.The energy supply ship in Ocacroke is voin an' worx well, but 'tis andy te av sometin' a bit nearer home,loik. Anyways ,'ere's de list...
- 2 x Bio Gas Fact,
- 1 x BoFu Chem Lab,
- 4 x Cahoona Bakery,
- 5 x Cattle Ranch,
- 3 x Crystal Fab,
- 1 x Plankton Farm,
- 1 x Scruffin Farm,
- 2 x SPP,
562 wafers needed every hour Sad
Hmmm...Someone put too many Crystal Fabs in there.,so I switched one off to use for silicon storage. Plenty of e-celss being delivered to get it started ,but I have had to assign a TS to buy Silicon at best price.