Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 8 of 35)
Written by TTDOi went through those Boron Sectors I was told about and got some more HEPTs at the first EQ dock,but the second was out of stock. However the Boron clerk told me that if I backtrack to Rolk's Legacy and head north three times,east once and south once, I may find something of interest. So I thank him for the tip and I follow his co-ordinates. Hmmm. Something of interest? I wonder?
I started to head north but what I did not realise is that the gate is not only north , it is vertically above the ecliptic plane too. I found out by following other ships.
The Boron has proved to be at his word so far. Oi docked with the Argon Free Trading Station and found a few extra things available there that Oi can't get at the one one in Ore Belt.Things that would help my fighters and traders if they had no upgrades yet.Not just the SETA device.
Well I already have that lot fitted on the ships Oim usin' so what else is there in these sectors. Out of Montalaar and into Light of Heart,and Oi see the EQ dock. Near the north gate I see them fangled thwame froewers in action. Hmmm OI wonder. Oi sends me Nova out to pick up anyting it can find.ee comes wit firelance and wildfire missiles.That pilot gets an extra pint next toim round.
Akeelas Beacon...Are the Argon preparing for war/ Or are they just making sure they are ready?Military Outpost, vary types of munitions plants...The list goes on. As this is a nice spot in between Teladi space,according to rumors,it might be a good place to have my first office.It gets a bit gramped 'ere in me cockpit.
Norman Fudge has the first two main sections covered by Traders. Once he has finished arming his four Novas he will clear Emperor's Wisdom of the Kha'ak clusters,so that the third main area is covered.
At the moment he is parked up in Akeela's Beacon admiring the spectacular views. He then will turn his attention south to see what the Boron clerk was hinting at. Once he has established his presence in Paranidia, he will need to expand into direct trading from owned stations.
Sector support complexes seems to be the way forward here. It would be pointless to manufacture products that are not needed straight away, so each sector will be examined and the data fed into Xadrian's Complex Calculator. There are others,But this is my favorite. It comes in different versions ,depending on how developed your game map is. But you could just download the latest and ignore items from races / or sectors you don't cover yet.
Just put in all the data, let it calculate what else you would need if you owned the stations. Add that to the main list so that they appear in bold not "ghosted". Remove your original data.
Voila...You are left with what you need to build, plus some extra factories which produce secondary resources. I tend to leave these in to give an extra trickle of credits.
Hope this helps for now.A more detailed tutorial will come from Norman when he is ready to expand in the direction.
Well Oi be darned! If that ain't a booteefull nebula Oi don't know what is ! Akeela's Beacon. I could lose my self here just dreamin'.
But toim Oi be a movin again. Gotta go south.
Now maybe this is what he was alluding to.OTAS HQ and OTAS shipyard.Plus the Argon shipyard.
I've heard tell that OTAS have the most beneficial trading vessels around. Large storage capacities and good speed in the smaller trade ship. Oi'l be makin me acquaintance with the HQ staff oi think and then pop down to the ship yard for a little nosy around.Got to keep up appearances, even if oi not buyin' ow't yet.
Well there's a good start! 6x 25 mj shields in stock.Just what I need for my Novas.
Jumpdrives,Triplex scanner and Docking Computers. Nearly all I need within a few sectors. I don't know what those Borons consume for celebration but there's one Boron that will be rewarded later.I might even let him pilot a ship of mine.
With my four Novas (1 + 3 Raiders) fully shielded, I just need a few more HEPTs and oim ready to take out some Kha'ak.Now to pop over to the shipyard.
I have about 8.000,000 cr so if I wanted, I could buy a few Mistrels.They be the better option as the Super Freighters are too slow for bargain hunting.But they do hold a vast amount of cargo,which will be useful later on..
... I can buy anything but the Boreas,credits permitting,The Boreas (M2) is one of the most sought after destroyers because of it's speed and fire-power. Although lacking a little in shielding. But for me to get one of those,the Argon will have to update my passport to "Federation Overwatch".... Not much chance of that for a while.And it costs over 90M cr.
Back for more HEPTs then...
... got my little fleet kitted out and dropped into Emperor's Wisdom. Do the Kha'ak have an intelligence/counter-intelligence service? They've scarpered!
Oh well,time to adapt. Get my Adv sat production running independently of supply ships.
So this is where we deal with complex building. As stated earlier I use Xadrian's Complex Calculator
- Xadrian's Complex Calculator
But there are others.
I open up Xadrian,set the sector and select "Add a Factory". Select Argon Adv. Sat Factory.
This gets listed in bold print.
Click on the wand icon at the top and it calculates what else you need.
It will offer you the cheapest and nearest ,in that order,so you may want only Argon SPPs if you don't want Boron.That is fine. just adjust accordingly
Click on the [+] sign on each line to bring the stations up in BOLD print. Click on the [X] sign on the Advanced Sat Factory to remove that.
It does a quick recalculation of the figures and tells you it will cost nearly 16M cr. to complete this phase.
The chart below not only show the minerals needed but the whole running costs and potential profit per hour (270,287 cr/hr profit).
Mines have to be added manually,but the chart below this sections tells you what minerals you need. Norman Chose a safe place for his factory but not one with any silicon in-sector,so he will still need to supply that. Not to worry though,because there is silicon in Ore Belt.
The next chart shows storage.And at the bottom it tells you where the nearest shipyard is that sells what you need.
Ideally, I need my own TL for this,but with only 8M in the bank and 4M cr at the factory, I am going to have to hire one instead.