Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 7 of 35)

Written by TTD

Ramblings of an Argon Nephew, written by TTD

I set a ship or two to cover Boron sectors and went outside to repair another Super Freighter.

Oi done that alright, but must have been slipped some weed or fuel in me supper.Next this I'm a knowin' oi'm heading off to the next sector... in me space suit Exclamation Question Question

Oi turns around an sees me freighter ...just a dot under the tradin'station

Not sure how much air I had left but was relieved when OI could get back in moi ship agen.

Note to self...double check what you're in before you go gallivantin' around space.

Anyways, time to expand into Paranid space a bit more....I NEED those 25mj shields. Oh I found some for sale in a Boron factory, so I have two sources now.

Se'in' as oi missed puttin' adv sat in Rolk's Drift, I quickly remedy this situation,buy some shield from the Queen and CBSE, equip my ship with everything and set the new pilot to learn his skills in Empire's Edge.

Why is it that when oi get started on zortin' one problem out,another emerges out of the fog?

RED BLIPS on my radar.My computer is telling me it's them pesky Kha'ak. Empire's Wisdom seems to be attractive to them.There are four clusters and a bunch of scouts down there.

Seems I got to get my Novas working for me. Checking my property list I see I have one excess Nova and two excess Nova Raiders. That might make a nice little wing for sector patrol. Now my problem is fitting them out with something the Kha'ak will worry about. My aim is to clear them out and leave a small wing there. Need bigger ships to do a proper job.Where's the military when you want them?

Well, one of my new pilots crashed into the trading station and destroyed my ship Evil or Very Mad Honestly! you'd think they've never been to flight school...some of them!

Just glad it was not upgraded yet. I have just bought another to replace it.

In the mean time I have been setting my TPs to work. OK they can't hold much, but can trade up to L size goods. That Toucan Hauler will carry a lot more than standard TPs will.

I have recently purchased a TM: A Boa, which I will kit out and carry my small strike force,idea'd above. Upgrading the Nova's is the easy bit. Deciding what ordnance to fit is another question entirely. Especially as I am only trading direct with Boron, Argon and Paranid, plus I do not have extremely high rep yet.

Anyway I am into day seven now and have nearly 7,000,000 cr plus 27 active traders etc. Not bad for almost a weeks work without really trying very hard.

Toying with adding to my station.need to produce Majaglit instead of buying it in. Still want that 25mj shield Fact as well.

13-11-09 real time Date.

woke up too early this morning so started playing this story. Got my Boa and repaired it. did the cargo, engine and rudder upgrades. Put the three afore mentioned M3s in it. I head off to Home of Light. Went through gate and found an M2 in my way. He turned his left. I turned my left.

I should have strafed down/left too.. If this had been a DID game then it would have ended there.

The next objectives are:

get rid of the Kha'ak in Paranid space so that my TSs can trade "safely",
get my own 25mj shield production going,
Expand my factory into a self sustaining loop.May need my own TL really,
extend Boron trading east of Preacher's Refuge,
Make friends with the Yaki.I'd like to have their ships,
then venture into Teladi and Split Space,
Possibly make friends with the Pirates,

These are listed in no particular order, as anything can happen in TC that changes your plans and you can easily get side-tracked.

Capping and REing the Aran or capping the second Vidar or any of the other un-purchase-able merchandise....getting a full blueprint inventory (288 ships?)..

Norman has the three Novas repaired and waiting for some more gunnery etc. Meanwhile a Caimen Super Freighter is undergoing fitting and upgrading ready to join his trading fleet.

At the moment, oi 'avent 'nough creds to git ta Novas fitted with bug splatters, so oi be a tradin' for a while.

So many things to do and too much time is a passin'. Still...moi team of traders are doing me proud.

There are now 3 Nova Raiders and one Nova on board the Boa. Oi've bin round them Argon/Boron Equipment docks a few toims to fill up me gun zlots, but Oim a wonderin' if then thar three eyes moit 'av somtin' Oi could be a usin'. They 'av 4 EQ docks That Oi'v seen so far.

"Well now, why would a humble merchant want to buy arms from The Paranid?" I was asked at the sales counter.

"Oi dunno if you've read the news scanners lately, but thar be zum Kha'ak bugs about and Oi'm thinking it's your territory they be in,so you'd be only too 'appy if Oi culd git rid ov 'em for ya."
I wasn't about to say they're in my way too....Just tell 'em what they need to know.

"....hmmm.OK then I have 4x High Energy Plasma Throwers. I'll send word and see if we can get some supplies in. Anything else...mosquito missiles or the like?"

"Fine...HEPTs then. I'll skip on missiles etc. for now." Great! More lasers. I know there is better stuff out there, but re-usable rather than fire once saves credits in the short term..

My pilots will just have to learn not to waste energy reserves. Now to see what else I can get. Well that went well. Paranid Prime must have kept there word, 'cus Oi just got 4 more at Emperor's Ridge. Now then. Down to TRINITY Sanctom. Yep. Four more.

A quick knowledge seeking trip to the bar tells me that before I go up to Preacher's Void, I might be able to find two Boron EQ docks to the east. Zumtoims I think other's know more of me than Oim tellin' em. 'Ow Oi dunno, but a certain trader confided in me that the Teladi have sectors to the south of here. Once again I thank my informant. It cost me a few drinks this time but "means to an end" and all that.

...update.. Glad I searched for those Boron EQ docks. Found a shipyard with a 2nd hand Hydra, well damaged and cheap,but an M6! As I missed the Centaur I am glad of this.

My ships are beginning to look right now. Needs more shields and a few more HEPTs. Got some Particle accelerator cannons on my earlier trips to buy lasers, so all my Novas here are equipped,but not equally. Some like to have combinations. Others like to keep reserves. I like to have the best I can get hold of. A word of warning... Just because a ship can mount something big and powerful, does not mean the ship will be able to use it effectively.

Energy drain can be a big problem. It is better to be decked out with mid range nut crackers than maxed out with sledge hammers.

Of course, another option is to mix and set guns-sets 1,2,3 and 4 so that you can just bring up the fire power you want when you want it. As more and more ships are available, it can be confusing sorting out which one has what.

As Norman progresses towards his ultimate goal, various options come up. I won't say that he will always choose what you may consider the best option, but there is always some logic behind his (my) reasonings and choices.

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