Plot #1 guide (Page 36 of 43)

Escorting a CHOW
So the first action to persuade is CHOW to join your cause. To do this you must go and talk to them at the marked location. Once there, you will be contacted by Drew Haswell. He will ask you if you could escort a ship. Recently the Heretic Vanguard have been stealing supplies from CHOW.So fly-over to the marked ship and escort the ship. If its stuck (like mine), give it a quick bang (with your boost engines) - you cant damage it this way.
For the most part the escort will be fairly boring, as I found nothing attacked me (maybe it is different for you?). Once you have got the the ship to its destination, you will be thanked by the pilot.
You are now told that the Xenon are now planning for to attack Omicron Lyrae. This isnt good news at all - and they need all the help they can get! Ren gladly joins the cause.