Plot #1 guide (Page 42 of 43)

The final assault
We now need to head back to the AG Arawn in Indignity. Yisha will ask; What is the battle plan?.. The captain orders two fighter wings will lead the initial assault, after-which they will be joined by the larger capital ships. These ships will then finish off any remaining Xenon ships and stations. The captains asks if you can join a wing, but since your not in the Military she can not order you to help.So now its time to head back to Cryptic Heart and to do some damage. When you get there, you will be told there is a problem with the bombs - they arent responding like they should be. The reason is the Xenon have a dampening field in-place. If its deactivated then the bombs should explode.
You will be told to patrol Cryptic Heart, whilst you wait for support. This will take a couple of minutes. Whilst you patrol, you seem to be given free-access to the area. I found very little resistance to be honest. I dont think any of the Xenon ships even actually even attacked me?!
Soon after, one of the stations will explode. I didnt feel any direct control on this, as my weapons seem useless on the stations. After the station blows up, you are join by an old friend - Borman! Borman tells us that Plutarch are busy fighting the Xenon, as their tech as turned against them (being based on Xenon tech).
At this point, there doesnt seem much to do but wait for the scripted station explosions. There are a few ships that have been high-lighted for destruction, but there isnt many nor do you actually need to kill them.
At this point, the final mission, its a complete let down. Nothing really happens - and there is no challenge what-so-ever. Anyway, congratulations on completing the plot.