Rogueys Albion Prelude is born

Tuesday 20th December, 2011 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 6 comments

Over the past few weeks you may of notice that ive been getting rather upset about the whole x-series, feeling excluded from the X-Series... even saying about suspending any work on all my x-games.

Well.. I have some good news. Egosoft have granted me a key due to all the work ive done! YAY! So now I can join with the rest of you and start building an X3AP site too! The X3AP site will take time to develop (The X3/TC site didnt appear over night btw!).. its also going to take a bit longer because of this time of year: lots of things happening and things to do. The site is live now and will expanded on during the next few months.

In the immortal words of Bender (from Futurama): We're back, baby!


ps. I might have a special prize for someone - more coming soon.


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