Energy Array (station)

The Energy Array is basically an extensive formation of E-Cell Fabs that can be run almost autonomously over extended periods of time. The Energy Array does not manufacture Energy Cells; instead, it recharges vast amounts of depleted cells with an astonishingly high throughput. In theory, Energy Arrays provide sufficient technical infrastructure to include more than 8 E-Cell Fabs. In practice, however, a configuration of several separate smaller arrays of E-Cell Fabs is shown to work more efficiently.

Universe Search
For Dev's struct_bt_alb_solar_power_plant_macro

Default setup

2 x Zoltek Bridge
bonus +0.03

1 x Tesla Duo-Charger
320,000 x #energy,

2 x E-Cell Fab
produces Energy Cells

1 x Container Storage
320,000 x #container,

1 x URV Launcher

2 x No name found....

Sequence A (optional)

2 x Zoltek Bridge
bonus +0.03

2 x E-Cell Fab
produces Energy Cells

1 x URV Launcher

2 x Tesla Duo-Charger
320,000 x #energy,

Sequence B (optional)

2 x Zoltek Bridge
bonus +0.03

2 x Tesla Duo-Charger
320,000 x #energy,

2 x E-Cell Fab
produces Energy Cells

2 x Zoltek Bridge
bonus +0.03

2 x E-Cell Fab
produces Energy Cells

2 x Tesla Duo-Charger
320,000 x #energy,

Sequence C (optional)

1 x Command Relay

Sequence D (optional)

2 x Targon Tracer