Licensed Distillery (in Murky Skies)

Universe » Omicron Lyrae » Eclipse Clouds » Murky Skies

In common vernacular, the Licensed Distillery is often called 'Fuel Fountain', although this term is regarded politically incorrect. Interestingly, alcohol-dependency is a condition unique to the human population. Nevertheless, alcohol-related deaths are still common among Split and, to a lesser extent, Teladi. For these reasons, the Licensed Distillery can only be run with tightly-controlled licensing that must be renewed with the authorities every four years. It is argued, however, that the strict liquor laws cause more problems than they prevent by encouraging corruption, smuggling and organised crime.

Owner faction icon
XML macro (for devs) struct_bt_ol_spacefuel_production_macro
Location (for devs) tzoneCluster_C_Sector10_Zone68_macro

4 x Science Crew Annex module
bonus +0.06 each

2 x Targon Tracer module

1 x URV Launcher module

2 x Liquor Still module
produces Spacefuel

2 x Command Relay module

1 x Bulk Tube Stack module
800,000 x #bulk each,

2 x Container Storage module
320,000 x #container each,

2 x Liquid Spheroid module
800,000 x #liquid each,

1 x Tesla Duo-Charger module
320,000 x #energy each,