Water Prep Plant (in The Great Basin)

Universe » Omicron Lyrae » Eclipse Clouds » The Great Basin

The Water Preparation Plant does not mine or harvest water itself; instead it relies upon third party water deliveries. The Water Prep Plant enriches water with minerals and trace elements required by various target species. While most life-forms can consume water meant for another species for a limited period of time, prolonged exposure to the wrong type is most definitely not recommended.

Owner faction icon
XML macro (for devs) struct_bt_ol_water_destillery_macro
Location (for devs) tzoneCluster_C_Sector10_Zone70_macro

2 x Targon Tracer module

4 x Zoltek Bridge module
bonus +0.03 each

2 x URV Launcher module

2 x Condenser Still module
produces Water

1 x Command Relay module

3 x Bulk Tube Stack module
800,000 x #bulk each,

5 x Duo-Sphere module
800,000 x #liquid each,

1 x Tesla Charger module
320,000 x #energy each,