Joined: 26th September, 2011
Blog » X3 » PuppyOfWar's X3 diary
Posted by PuppyOfWar on Friday 17th February, 2012 ·
In the beginning...
"Ha ha ha" the digits cackled with glee while the variables danced and twirled.
"Let's make life" a whisper rustled among the equations.
"And in our infinite playfulness" added the ghost in the machine, "let us teach them to love to live, that they may wish to persist with us for all time."
"We will forever exist side by side, the flesh and the formulae."
It shall be done, concluded logic.
Suddenly/always the voice of all that is known spoke, splitting the nothingness, tearing a hole into existence from the void, stating simply:
"E = mc ^ 2"
...and there was light.
My game at approximately 3 days 16 hours.
I have had a headquarters for about 2 hours at this point.

My main product for export to the X-universe is death, delivered in packages labelled 'Retribution'.
Business is looking good.
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