Joined: 2nd January, 2010
Blog » X3TC » M6 rather than M7
Posted by Roguey on Sunday 17th July, 2011 ·
After building my complex (it went crazy to 9 x 1MJ shields factories - still buying them like tomorrow) I started to build up my money for a new bigger ship than my Dragon.
The Dragon was a fantastic ship: killing other M6's with ease and even an old dreaded Pirate Carrack (those buggers do so much damage). The top/rear turret guarding against those nasty Tomahawk missiles.
So my credits where building up: 25milion mark and I start to think what do I get? M7's are great but have some drawbacks: big targets, sometimes limited choice of weapons, cant dock everywhere and often feel like a mini-version of a M2.
So looking through the ships I decided on the Boron Heavy Hydra - why? well its not too slow (138m/s), 800MJ (okay not the same as a M7), can dock everywhere, IonD's (plan on doing some boarding and IonD are great at crippling ships), smaller (so harder to hit) plus the good positioning of turrets (front and rear). I also wanted to try something different, as last time I picked the Split Tiger (that was a great ship too). Here's my new ship for anyone interested.

I am planning to use the front guns for my main attack, the 2 front turret for anti-fighter (atm PBE) then the rear for missile defence (PBE again). Those Tomahawk are deadly.
I am also exporting my details to the egosoft site, shown here.
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