Joined: 2nd January, 2010
Blog » BORDERLANDS 2 » Searching for Jimmy Jenkins
Posted by Roguey on Wednesday 20th March, 2013 ·
For the past few days I have been hunting a guy called Jimmy Jenkins in Borderlands 2. Jimmy Jenkins is a miniature found when opening certain ammo crates, in a few locations. He is the rarest miniature, so the chances are you will find the others many times before finding Jimmy. Here is the places you can find him:
- Wildlife Preservation,
- Opportunity,
- Thousand Cuts (Hyperion Expansion),
- Hero's Pass,
I have spent awhile(at-least 20+ hours) doing ammo crate runs in Opportunity without no luck. I did find a few miniatures however but not Jimmy (probably every other miniature). I also did a few runs in Hero's pass but that was even worse, I never found even one miniature there.
So I thought I'll try in Wildlife Preservation, on Vault-Hunter-Mode, with the Doctor's Order quest selected (2/4 unfortunately (I thought it had to be 1/4)); as said it's easier to find Jimmy there. I don't have the arena DLC (which is said to be a requirement; although it just saves time reaching a special set of boxes). It can take you 7-8mins to reach these boxes without, as you need to run from the start of Wildlife Preservation each time.

When you reach the boxes, make sure you kill all hostile monsters (Skaggs etc.) before opening the boxes, and open one box at a time. On my first attempt I saw 3 miniatures popup out of the 4 boxes (pretty good eh?). After 10-20 runs he finally popped up. The runs combined took around 1-2 hours to do.

So if you're looking for Jimmy, I wouldn't suggest doing the ammo crate run in Opportunity unless thats all you can do. You do have a chance of finding him when doing ammo-box runs but odds are very low. I suggest, read-up and do the box run in Wildlife Preservation. Good luck, hope that helps anyone trying to find Jimmy.
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