Fleet Carriers (FAQ)
Q: Can carriers be attacked?
Carriers can be attacked by another player but wont do any damage. The carrier will return fire and kill the attacking player.
Carriers will not engage Thargoids ships, nor will they attack.

Q: Can carriers be destroyed?
No, carriers can not be destroyed by conventional weapons.
Q: Could a carrier be stolen?
No, they are owned by the original purchaser.
Navigation / travel
Q: Can I pilot the ship?
No, you can only tell the ship to travel to another a system or system body (planet, etc.).
You can not fly the ship yourself.
Q: Can carriers land on planets?
No, they can only oribit system bodies.
Q: Do I need to land on the carrier to control it?
Q: How fast to carriers jump?
Carriers can jump up-to 500ly per jump, using Tritium fuel. Once the order is issued there will be a charge-up time (15 minutes) before the drive is ready.
After this time period, the carrier will jump to its new location. When the carrier has arrived, a cool-down period is required (5 minutes).
So a carrier can jump up-to 500ly every 20 minutes, if the fuel demand is met.
Q: Can I store goods onboard?
The owner of the carrier may use the carrier to store goods for either transportation or buying/selling.
Other players can not store goods on the carrier.
Q: Will NPC's trade with your carrier?
No, carriers are only for player-to-player trading.
Q: Can I make a profit with a carrier?
You can. You can set a tariff for any goods or services brought, ranging from 0-100% (100% means double the original price).
However any tariff set will make goods or services higher than an typical station price.
It will highly unlikely players will buy ships, equipment, etc. from your carrier at twice the price - especially around the human-bubble.

Q: Can I buy more than one carrier?
No, a commander can own up-to a maximum of 1 carrier.
Q: Are carriers persistent?
Yes, they are persistent in all game modes whether its solo, group or open play.
They will stay ingame, at the same location - even if the owner of the carrier logs out of their game.
Q: Does a carrier cost me in upkeep even if I wasnt logged in for that week?
Yes, as carriers are persistent to all other players. They will still cost money to run.
Q: Can I sell cartographic data to a carrier?
Not at this time, cartographic data can not be sold to a carrier.