Fleet Carriers (Services)
Bridge Crew (Installed by default)
The bridge crew is a core service allowing the carrier to be managed by the staff. It can not be turned off, and is installed by default. The Deck Officer oversees all operations carried out on the ship.

Commodities Market (Installed by default)
This module allows commanders to buy and sell goods onboard the carrier. The owner of the carrier can request for certain types of goods, and set a desired amount... or, equally the owner can put goods up for sale - if its available in the cargo-hold. Goods sold can be marked up in price depending on the tariff set by the owner. The Commodities Market onboard a carrier does not effect the background simulation as NPC's will not trade with it. This module is installed by default.

Tritium Depot (Installed by default)
The Tritium Depot is the place where the carriers fuel is managed. Visitors can check how much fuel is onboard the carrier. It can be donated by any commander, including the owner.

Refuel module
The refuel module allows a carrier to replenish fuel on any docked ship. It works pretty much the same as any station, but may cost more - depending if the owner as set a tariff. The refuel module does not come by default and will cost extra weekly credits to run.

Repair module
This module allows a carrier to repair docked ships. This can include hull and subsystem repairs. The repair may cost higher than a regular station - if the owner has set a tariff. This module could be very useful in far reach-of-out places. It does not come as standard, and will incur extra costs.

Armory module
The Armory makes it possible for the carrier to restock armaments, such as missiles, drones etc. This module does not come as standard, and will cost extra credits to install and keep running. It may cost more than a regular station depending on the tariff the owner of the carrier has set.

Redemption Office
This module allows commanders to cash-in Combat, Bounty and Codex Bonds; as well as Trade Dividends and Powerplay Salaries. When this service is used a small fee will be deducted for the owner of the carrier. This module does not come by default, and will cost extra credits to install and to keep online.

The shipyard is the most expensive module to install and keep running. It allows the carrier to sell ships to other commanders, which can be marked-up in price depending on the tariff set. Ships are brought in packs, which have a limited amount in each. Once the ships from that pack have been brought, another pack can be purchase by the owner to refill the carrier. The shipyard module also allows the ability to transfer ships between locations. However whether the module can make money is another question; ship prices are based on the galactic average, after-which the mark-up is applied. Commanders may find ships cheaper at local stations rather than the carrier, unless there are no near-by stations.

Outfitting module
If this module is installed, it allows the carrier to install equipment such as weapons, utilities, subsystems and internal equipment on docked ships. Equipment is brought in packs - similar to the shipyard module. You can also store and sell equipment with the Outfitting module installed. This is another optional extra, and will cost more credits to install and run.

Secure warehouse
This module allows stolen goods to be purchase or sold to other commanders. The goods will still remain stolen, but can be transported in bulk over large distances. It is not seen as criminal activity because owner of the carrier, owns the ship and its contents. This changes if a commander decides to take stolen goods from the carrier and try to sell them at regular stations for profit. This module does not come by default and will incur extra costs to install and run.