All i can think of right now is, why go for PC if its a xbox port. Sell it as an Xbox game, instead of trying to make it a PC title, or better yet, make it both.
- SpiritOfDeath
Its not that simple. Xbox games can be created using XDK resources from Microsoft, but only approved companies and approved projects can ever make it into their console. Egosoft is too big for the $99 indie license, and their games too reliant on community modding and patches for hard disc. MS has at least some QA to prevent games like Rebirth from ruining their reputation too
- BarrenEarth
Well I guess (aznd it is just a guess !) it may become an "XboxOne game from a PC port that is a initially an Xbox360 port".... Because we are doing the debug right now... After the game is stable, it will be ported again, Bernd stated that the XboxOne will have enough RAM to run it... And that they are interested in the new Gen