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Morgund avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

Only one or two. The trick is to do it in the witching hour while facing north and singing the William Tell Overture*. Thus you will appease the random number generator gods.

* Some people tout Rise Of The Valkyries. Do not listen to this superstitious nonsense. As we all know, that's for boarding #deca.

I'm actually rather proud of the cap, since in addition to only having 8 marines, I did it in a sector with a Xenon station and an I bearing down on me. If I had screenies I would post them, but alas I was being too frantic to think of taking any.
- Seygantte

#deca is in AP?


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

Not unless you script it in. I was talking about TC.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Morgund avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

Ah ok, I only played TC through the beginning of the main plot then decided I didn't care to play as the Terrans.


Morgund avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

So I made my first boarding attempt this morning against a P. It was an utter failure as my turrets switched to HEPTs and blew it to smithereens as my marines were spacewalking to it. Looks like I need to modify a turret command just for this so that they don't continue this trend.

I'm currently limping home for some wound licking before I give this another go.


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

First attempt at a P or first attempt boarding anything? If the latter, I suggest picking another target. Xenon ships are way harder than commonwealth to board.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Morgund avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

hrm. Yes the latter. Just noticed that I lost 4 marines in the process... Ok so... Commonwealth... I realize Commonwealth != Terran/ATF... but would that hold true for them as well? Would I be ok to try capping a Terran M6 in the front line sectors?


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

Terran/ATF tend to more frequently have things like hull polarisation or internal sentry lasers. I've heard that the M1s or M2s from the ATF can be unboardable sometimes. There's a thread regarding that somewhere on the forum. I myself haven't tried on them, so I can't speak from experience.

The best things to start training up weak marines on are TMs. They tend to be unescorted other than their docked fighters, only have 2 decks and don't pose much of a threat. The rep hit isn't very big, so if there are any races where you're at a high rank see if they have any floating around. If you really don't want to piss anyone off, you can try heading on down to the Yaki sectors and prey on their Chokaros, and then later move up to the TL Ryu.

The point is, after Xenons, ATF and then Terrans are the next hardest to board.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Morgund avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

Terran/ATF tend to more frequently have things like hull polarisation or internal sentry lasers. Ive heard that the M1s or M2s from the ATF can be unboardable sometimes. Theres a thread regarding that somewhere on the forum. I myself havent tried on them, so I cant speak from experience.
- Seygantte

Ok, I'll save those three for later when I have more experience under my belt.

The best things to start training up weak marines on are TMs. They tend to be unescorted other than their docked fighters, only have 2 decks and dont pose much of a threat. The rep hit isnt very big, so if there are any races where youre at a high rank see if they have any floating around. If you really dont want to piss anyone off, you can try heading on down to the Yaki sectors and prey on their Chokaros, and then later move up to the TL Ryu.
- Seygantte

I actually am wanting to get my Yaki rep up so I can buy some of their ships for blueprinting, so maybe I'll hit some Paranid TMs in the border sectors. And yeah I realize the Yaki ships aren't all that great, I just want the blueprints for my personal lore, MorgCorp MegaFleet and Shipwright Division.

The point is, after Xenons, ATF and then Terrans are the next hardest to board.
- Seygantte

Ok, point taken. Smile

You've been fantastic Seygantte. I can't thank you enough for the wisdom you've been passing out.



mechm0343 avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

The point is, after Xenons, ATF and then Terrans are the next hardest to board.
- Seygantte

You aren't kidding.. I've been trying to snag my first xenon ship but its proving to be very difficult.
I have about 50 some odd marines in training and about 30 of them have 100 in all skills inculding fighting.
Well last night I was in Segaris and I found a Xenon Q just cruising along all by himself. I called in my sirokos with 20 marines with 100 in all skills. I scanned the ship and aside from a pretty impressive arsenal of weapons he had just a triplex scanner so I went ahead and dropped his shields and boarded. all 20 marines were gone by deck 2. I loaded from my save point just before boarding and then beat his hull down to 49% and boarded, all marines dead by deck 3.. again I loaded up and beat him down to 17% then boarded once again and my marines made it to deck 4 before they were all wiped out. at that point I called it a decent but failed attempt =(

am I missing anything or are they just that difficult to capture?


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

You aren't kidding.. I've been trying to snag my first xenon ship but its proving to be very difficult.
I have about 50 some odd marines in training and about 30 of them have 100 in all skills inculding fighting.
Well last night I was in Segaris and I found a Xenon Q just cruising along all by himself. I called in my sirokos with 20 marines with 100 in all skills. I scanned the ship and aside from a pretty impressive arsenal of weapons he had just a triplex scanner so I went ahead and dropped his shields and boarded. all 20 marines were gone by deck 2. I loaded from my save point just before boarding and then beat his hull down to 49% and boarded, all marines dead by deck 3.. again I loaded up and beat him down to 17% then boarded once again and my marines made it to deck 4 before they were all wiped out. at that point I called it a decent but failed attempt =(

am I missing anything or are they just that difficult to capture?
- mechm0343

They are that difficult to board. I average losing about 9 marines per I that I board. I use 28 marines, and launch the extra 8 after the forst 20 make it into the hull. I have a post here in a thread about boarding a Q that explains the process in detail.
Your text goes here..


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Here is the post I was talking about.
I will tell you how I did it. I found one (actually two) in Xenon Core. I spammed hammers at all the other capitals (killed 2 K's, 2 J's and countless Q's) enough to clear the gate. Then I jumped in my Guppy and Hyperion with an additional 8 five-star marines. I burned away from the center of the sector, while shooting at the I to get its attention. Once I was out 30km form him, I matched speed, and killed off any fighters, P's, or Q's that spawned to help him. Once he was sufficiently far from the center of the sector (away from where any spawning Xenon could kill him once I took control), I reloaded with the missiles from the Guppy (It carries an additional 450 hammers and 600 flails) and worked down the shields of the I. I was around 25km from it the first time and 20km from it the second time.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the I can and will barrage Firestorm torpedoes at you. Make sure you shoot them down! They will kill you. He usually fires 3 at a time. Once he runs out, he will fire hornets at an ungodly rate. These aren't such a big deal, just point you rear end at them and let your flak take them out (assuming you are using a Cobra)

On to the boarding. It took me a little while to figure out the timing of it. The shields recharge very fast, so 1 flail a second or so is needed to keep them down. While the marines are in route, transfer the extra 8 marines from the Hyperion, and keep running 1 flail a second, and shooting a flail at each firestorm he fires. Once the marines land, launch the second set of marines; they should meet up with the first around deck 3-4. Save before the first set make it in. This is the save you will need to come back to if you don't have 16 or more marines once you make it through all 5 decks.

If you don't have at least 16 marines still alive when the 5th deck is clear, they will all die. I had 14 alive when the 5th deck was clear, and they all died instantly. You will need at least 16 alive after all 5 decks. Once they start hacking you can save, and come back if you want to get different drops, but at that point the ship is yours.

I killed the second I in the core, because it had hull damage. It respawned in Xenon sector 695. This is where I took the second I. Same method, burning away until it was sufficiently far and all the supporting fleet was dead.

pic of the two I's.
Pic of the I in action.
- martimus


mechm0343 avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

Thanks martimus!
I read through your posts on boarding and realized I was going at it with far to few marines. I noticed my Sirokos can hold 30 marines on board so I threw in an extra 8 and went hunting. Right away I found a Q causing havok in Grand Exchange so I fired a couple hornets to get him to chase me. Once he was in a safe spot I called in my sirokos and worked his shields down with a barrage of typhoon missiles from my Griffon and from about 10km away launched 20 marines as soon as they were inside the hull I launched the remaining 8. All went as expected and I lost 12 marines but I did manage to cap the Q.

The I looks awesome! I can't wait to snag one for myself and take it out for the old sunday cruise!
I need to train a lot more marines and probably re-work my boarding strats a little before I start attempting the bigger Xenon ships but it was awesome to finally cap the Q.

Thanks again for all the help!


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

So would you say around 25-30 marines should be enough for a Xenon Q?

as for a Xenon I, you need 16 marines alive at deck 5. So how many are you putting in to start with? 30+?


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

No problem. Glad I could help. There is a poster here who has taken far more I's than I have, so he may have even more suggestions to share.

As for the number of marines, 28 should be fine. I use that many because that is how many fit on the Cobra and Hyperion escort. More would actually be counter productive since any floating marines get killed when you destroy the Firestorms that the I shoots at you.


mechm0343 avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well I finally pulled it off. It took a couple tries but I capped my first I.


Couldn't have done it without the help and advice from the forums and of course my Guppy who carried all my extra ammo! and thanks again Martimus and Seygantte I took much of your advice and boarding strats you have posted and they proved to be very useful.

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