Albion Prelude 2.5

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ConCorDian avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

well EGO have removed the download link, IF someone wants to know how to get this exploit back just let me know.

tho' we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson

Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

If it's as simply as reverting !ship.cmd.freightransfer.pre.pck to an older version, then the hardest part will be finding a copy of the original I guess. Steam's already updated mine :p However, where there's a will there's a way.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

I can understand why egosoft have took this stance, as its hosting files which come directly from the game - albeit different versions. However it looks like ego are very clear on this. So if this is the case then I cant really help either - no point make ego angry at me (wont do any good). Although Im not too sure how much attention ego even pay to these sites.


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

I agree. It's their intellectual property and their site. Since multiple PHQs messes with their vanilla stats system, I think they're entirely justified in removing it.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

ConCorDian avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

well i did have an idea and Kurush thinks its possible it will work and thats to use the file from the TC directory. what we dont know is what if anything was added to the file for AP and then weither or not the signing code is the same for TC and AP which would make the difference from it being unmodified or not.

tho' we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson

Mastermartin avatar
Level badge Boguey (2)
Posted 12 years ago.

From the Steam News Page.

X3: Albion Prelude Update Released
Product Update     - Valve 24 Jul 2012
The update 2.5 of X3: Albion Prelude has been released. The major changes include:

New Features and Improvements:
- Added Terran plot: Operation Loose Ends
- Added Terran HQ model
- Added Bioscanner and Supply Command Software to Terran Docks

- Fixed crash in graph menus when extreme values are involved
- Linked ATF rank to Terran rank
- Added delay to war ships attacking player assets to allow time for player escorts to exit the system
- Fixed war ships from being destroyed if they have been captured by the player
- Fixed several RRF issues
- Fixed case of unnecessary auto-jumps in Terran sectors
- Added missing Jumpdrive to Terran docks and Jonferco Research Station
- Fixed Marlin cargo bay size
- Fixed exploit in freight transfer menu



Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Hopefully there hasnt been too many changes to ships either.. I will have to run my types comparer on it and see.


slothdemonZ avatar
Level badge Boguey (2)
Posted 12 years ago.

Does anyone know how to start the Terran plot? or do I just need to kill enough CW ships like in the argon plot "help the war effort(by killing 1 M5)"


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

@slothdemonZ the only thing i'm seeing is combat rank "professional" and ofc starting as Terran.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Taken from the guide which is work in process:

To trigger the Terran plot you will need to meet the following requirements:

Started has an Terran Commander or Aldrin Adventurer,
with a fight rank of Professional (or higher),
and a Terran rank of Local Councillor (or higher),


JamieSwoish avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

The 2.5 addition of "linking" the ATF and Terran reputations has been exceedingly helpful in "fixing" your reputation with ATF.

"If it moves kill it, if it dies it was bad, and if it blows up at least you get fireworks!"


JamieSwoish avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

Pretty please Miss Roguey could you ask egosoft nicely to add a "firefight" option so we can take one ship and try to kill as many waves of enemies as possible? that would be fun Smile

"If it moves kill it, if it dies it was bad, and if it blows up at least you get fireworks!"


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Pretty please Miss Roguey could you ask egosoft nicely to add a "firefight"
- JamieSwoish

Me and ego have very little contact: so there is no point asking me about adding features, or fixing issues. Since the 8 years the site been running I have spoken to them just a handful of times:
    [*] updating their links page (although gave up as its so out-of-date now, only has a link to X3 site),
    [*] Adding my X3 mod to superbox (which never happpened: no mods where included),
    [*] and me having a go at them for a copy of X3AP (so I could build the X3AP site)

So... basically Im not that sure they pay much attention to this site really.

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