Blender Creations for new mod

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caffeeine avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

now i am not a perfect modder but these are just 2 of the ships i am working on for a new x mod

This ship is not compled obvously. but its an M2 for a new race called the rigan.

This is a basic rigan shuttle. I am unsure if i want to make this a civilian ship or make it playable.

now as i said befor im not a perfect modler and i am still kinda new so dont be to harsh on my creations Smile

as to not take up to much space on the forum i will be updateing and changeing the images on this post. If you want to see a prevous image please feel free to post something in this thread and i will repost it

A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Much better than I expected when you said your new to it all. If its okay, id like to offer some suggestions:

On the first ship, im guessing its of a Boron design? - maybe some fins could be added to the rear part of the ship? atm looks kind-of 'plain' on the back?

As for the second ship, maybe add some connecting cables between cockpit and the side engines, then maybe some spikes from the rear engine module - just on one side (they might need some spike mounts moving them away from the body of the ship - Somewhat like a Xenon Q design).

Anyway, just some suggestions which you can dismiss if you like Smile


caffeeine avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

Anyway, just some suggestions which you can dismiss if you like Smile
- Roguey

no that is what i am looking for for some reason when i make something i have this big idea on a ship or a building and i make it and i end up stopping just short of detailed on it. now as for the ships this is a new race. they are called the rigan all there ships are made from scraps on there planet and (allmost like pirates) from ships that come into there sector. so there is some more work to do on themi just have to figure out how to texture the M2 its a high poly ship. i went to texture it last night and it had alittle over 800 faces so its complex. Smile

A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

ah, so scrappy ships then? sounds like how the pirate ships should look - they gotten too much like normal ships with a paint-job.

as for the faces, that doesnt mean much to me as im not a modeller Smile


caffeeine avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

as for the faces, that doesnt mean much to me as im not a modeller Smile
- Roguey

when you start off depending on what shape you use (i like to start with a cube) the faces are the sides of a cube like a dice you have 1 2 3 ect. each number on the dice is a face well its the same princible for the M2 ship only it has a crap load of faces lol
just an exsample of what i was talking about

A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Oh right, well 800 faces doesnt seem all that much when I think of ships and that. Im pretty sure the largest model is the shipyard - which is like 20-30mb or something silly - takes ages to load in. That must have a lot of faces Smile


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