The upstairs project 2016 (Page 11)
Day eight
So today marks the eight day working on the upstairs. The plan yesterday was to have the at-least the third window installed today, but this didnt happen due to the weather and the making of a rain cover (by dad). This rain cover actually slow us down a lot - and it wasnt really required (as it very light rain on and off). We more or less wasted half the day building the rain cover;
So after lunch (after removing the rain cover and just putting up with the odd spots of rain), we managed to get some progress done. However by 4pm it wasnt looking like we were going to get the window installed. There are quite a few bits involved - mostly at the top where the tiles need to be cut to create a tile line. So all we could do for now is at-least use the rain cover for tonight;

I cant see why we wont have it in tomorrow - the frame is at-least installed. We still have one more window to be installed - which was where the old second window was. I am thinking this will be trickier, because part of the roof will be patching up - as it wont be in the same place. Hopefully we can make more progress tomorrow...