The upstairs project 2016 (Page 13)
Day ten
We now into double figures - 10 days working on the upstairs, it is now Monday the 13th. The plan is to install the fourth window today - the final window. With this window installed, the weather wont have any effect on us - as we will be weathered. Each window has been hard work, so its good we getting near the end of this stage of the project. Anyway, the first thing to do was to finish off the frame for the last window, this is how things looked early in the morning;
The next stage was to pin back the underfelt and put the tiles back onto the roof (we had to remove a lot of them - due to the movement of the window area). Once again the weather wasnt all that great; odd spots of rain but once rained pretty hard (but was over pretty quickly). As we were getting to 4pm, we wasnt sure if we could finish the window or not (so the tarpaulin remained on stand-by). So we carried onto around half six, where the complex part at the top of the window was done. All was left was to insert the last window;

We now have all four windows installed on the roof. This means the rain wont effect as has we do the internal stuff - like insulation, plasterboard, lighting, etc. So still plenty to be done. I'm not totally sure what will happen tomorrow - we do need a clear-out - we have too many tools which arent required (we wont need to cut joists now), spare tiles and rubbish that need to go to the car (for the recycling center).
So, anyway here is a video just after installing all four windows;