The upstairs project 2016 (Page 8)
Day five
Well the first thing today is to finish off the 1st window - the tiles above it werent quite finished. This meant the window had to be removed once again - its not an easy process because you need to hang nearly half the glass-panel outside (with not much to hold onto). This isnt helped by how heavy the panel is - it weights around 20-30kg! The catches on the glass-frame can be a bit of pain to align too. So this took the morning to finish.The next thing to do was to get some supplies - we needed some more wood, roofing tiles (tile and half - for patching up) and some screws (we had no 4" screws - which are the kind we need). So a bit more of our time went collecting supplies. So when we got back, we started marking off where the other windows should be. By now it was kind-of getting late to start anything, so we removed all the transformers in the ceiling and started to look at how the tiles could be pulled from the inside - making a hole for the second window (we cant really get into the roof very easy - nor want to).

So today was kind-of easy going day - preparing for the next window to be installed. Hopefully this should be a quicker than the first! The black tape above tell us which joist need to be cut, as this was part of our working out today. So hopefully tomorrow work on the second window will begin - this should be the window directly above the staircase.