The upstairs project 2016 (Page 9)
Day six
Woh, today was a heavy one - we tried to get a window installed in single day. We nearly did it, but not quite. So we had to leave it in near complete state - it was reaching 7pm and looked like it required another couple of hours (dinner was already been delayed - so getting hungry too). At this state things tend to get rushed, which is always a bad idea. Anyway, the first thing was to create a new hole in the roof. This was done by cutting the under-felt with a knife, so we could see the tiles. However the tiles couldnt come to this side without cutting some batons. This allowed the tiles to come into the room - as we dont want them falling down the roof. After removing a few tiles, there was an immediate difference - this was the first time the upstairs had a third opening. This window will is slightly off-centre to the staircase - throwing some much needed light there (it was always pretty dark in the hallway - especially by the front-door). At this point, the opening is only about half the actual size of the window;
By now it was lunch time, so it was time to put down the tools and get something to eat. After lunch we continued removing tiles and cut the joist - making the hole much larger;
However there was still plenty more to do. We now required to put some frame-work for the new window. It had worked out that if we offset the window by 10-15mm, we could leave the joist on the left alone. So afterwards it was time to insert some more under-felt. This took a couple of goes, but in the end we got it done. So with the felt installed, it was time to fit the window. This time things went much easier - seeing as we already installed one. At this point we wasnt sure if we be finished in-time. Time went on and it started to look like we wont complete it fully, so it was time to get it as good as we could for now. We installed the window the best we could. Tomorrow the tiles above the window need to be completed, but its kind-of weathered case it rains. Anyway, this is how it looks now;

Tomorrow we need to fix an issue with the first window, and finish off the second window. My job tomorrow will be creating the third hole for the third window. But the plan is it will take two days, giving us more time.