Below is a list of X2 mods I have created, feel free to try them.
Extreme v2.0b

Main features:
- Beam Cannons on all M1/M2/TL ships,
- Many new ships added,
- Many ship tweaks including speed, weapons and gun mounts,
- More Xenon activity - specially in later sectors,
- More Khaak activity,
- Shield upgrades now 3Mw, 8Mw, 26Mw or 135Mw,
- Improved/changed textures,
- Goods prices tweaked,
- Many changes to the universe,
- Missile and bullet speed increases,
Balance V1.00

All weapons have had their bullet speed increased around 3 times and due to this the range also improved some what but not a lot.
I have also looked into the changes of price for wares, trying to give a better return on more costly items. Ive done this to try and make trading more useful in the game as the profits you could make were very small. For example you can make around 300k on buying an 125Mw at the lowest price and selling it for the max price.
Maybe a couple more options will be possible now, such as collecting slaves and selling them for good money, building an big trade empire, putting mines around, etc.
Things now in the X2 world may be a lot different, sometimes fairer, sometimes not, however this time there is a lot more mix in the galaxy.
PPC Mod v1.00

M1 ships have been changed a lot, more cargo space, more weapons and more shields. So M1 might be able to get into some more fights. One big change is that the Tedai M1 can carry station class cargo, with a lot of shields however much less weapons are on it, as it only a trading ship.
The split M2 has some extra weapons added to it to make up the shield difference, as well only taking 25Mw shields, however 22 of them.
I have also up some of the power generator sizes of some of the M6 ships, increased the speed of the Alpha, Beta and Gamma HEPT lasers, increased the mining laser distance increase and adjusted PPC price change a little.