The Bala Gi Missions (Page 2 of 4)
The location of the M7 Ship
You're next job is to find any information on the location of the M7 ship - Hyperion. For this you will need to jump or fly to the sector called Great Trench. Once there you will need to dock at the equipment dock. Immediately when you have docked there, you will be sent a message asking you to help place a Advance Satellite in the very center of the sector called Xenon Sector 347. Once you have done this, you will be given information on the location of the M7 ship.Advance Satellite in Xenon Sector 347
You will first need to get an Advance Satellite from one of the local sectors then jump/fly into Xenon Sector 347 (found that coming in from the north was easier - although this may change by game). You will need to move near the location (0, 0, 0) in that sector. Once you are near the coordinates eject the Advance Satellite and jump out of the sector. You will be told that someone in the power plant at Grand Exchange will know more about the location of the M7 ship.Grand Exchange
Once in Grand Exchange you will need to dock at one of the power plants. You will know if it's the correct one as you will get a message instantly asking you for help in the exchange for knowledge again. You will need to protect one of his ships by escorting it from the west gate to his power plant. After a minute or so a ship should appear from the jump gate with a couple of pirate ships. Try and destroy the pirate ships before the ship gets destroyed. If you don't make it in time, one more ship will be sent for you to protect.Once you have protected the ship, it will land at the power plant and you will be sent another message. This message tells you the M7 ship can be found if you fly to Maelstrom, then though the west gate (-181.6km, 0km, 0km) into the "1st" Unknown sector, then though a south gate to a second unknown sector.

The unknown sectors
The second unknown sector
If you head south east from the jump gate you should hopefully find the M7 ship with a couple of ships, badly damaged (apart from the M7).
The Location of the M7 ship
You will then be told that you require a M6 ship with a tractor beam to tow the M7 ship back to the shipyard in Grand Exchange. There is a Nemesis(M6) around the M7 which you can capture and use, however it needs major repairs, shields and a tractor beam. I personally wouldn't repair the M6 100% (if you use that Nemesis) as later it gets fully repaired for free! You however will need some shields, engine upgrades etc. There is also a free Argon Nova in the sector which you may want to capture for 'extra' support.
Once you have an M6 with a tractor beam fitted you will need to get within 1.6km range and fire the tractor beam at it, if the tractor beam locks onto the M7 you will see a green laser (this green laser isn't damaging the ship). Immediately after the tractor beam is locked on the M7, 3 pirate ships will be spawned near it and will start to attack you. You will need to kill these guys and carry on towing the ship into the north gate. The ship will reappear in the '1st' unknown sector once you move a little away from the gate. The tractor beam should relock on to the M7 and you should keep towing the M7 back. Once in the '1st' unknown sector travel back though the east gate to Maelstrom towing the M7.
This is one very large, empty sector with no ships normally in it. There is one big surprise however near the north gate. The pirates will send another 3 ships - 3 Falcon ships. However these ships have a very high amount of shielding (2 ships with 125MW and 1 ship with 250MW!!). You will need a strong ship to take these guys out as their shielding takes lot of damage whilst they do a lot of damage to you with HEPT's. A lone M6 will probably not survive! This is very much unexpected as you are not told any time that there would be such powerful ships going to attacking you.When you have finally killed them or outrun them keep heading to Grand Exchange towing the M7 with you.
Back to Grand Exchange
Finally, once you have towed the M7 ship back to Grand Exchange you will need to keep towing the ship to the shipyard. Basically just dock as normal and forget you're towing a massive ship behind you. Once you have docked, your current ship hull will be fully repaired (especially useful if you used that Nemesis before) and you will be given the M7 ship (fully equipped) for free. You will then be told to jump back to the shipyard in Kingdom End using the jumpdrive on the M7.<< Previous Page - Next Page >>