Plot #1 guide (Page 28 of 43)

Finishing off the station
After the agreement of the alliance, you will be left in Fervid Corona (probably without a clue what to do next). You must finish building your URV station from before. To do this you will need to supply it with enough resources. This is a list of wares you will need:- 10 x Cargolifter URV
- 2,482 x Energy Cells
- 270 x Fusion Reactors
- 1,160 x Reinforced Metal Plating
- 598 x Bio-Optic Wiring
- 6 x Force Field Projector
- 1 x V Launcher
- 10x HIT/MA Turret
- 4 x Plasma/MA Turret
Once you have finished building the station, you will see a small cinematic focusing on the station. Yisha will kind-of suggest you need a station manger. So once again ask someone for directions, hopefully you wont be offered Governor Nakano (like I was). Once you have hired someone, you will need to drop them off (like before with the ships).
Building the URV Wharf
Now we need to build a URV Wharf.. you may think.. how do I do that? Well, land on your Construction Vessel and talk to the Architect onboard. Now select Show construction plans, and scroll down to URV Wharf If you select the basic setup, you will need the following wares:- 672 x Energy Cells
- 52 x Fusion Reactors
- 262 x Reinforced Metal Plating
- 48 x Bio-Optic Wiring
At this point nothing happens for me, so for me the plot is broken.
However im sure in later patches this will be fixed. For me I had to cheat around this part.