Joined: 30th May, 2010
Blog » Ok... Ok... I've been away. (Bozo's Blog #6)
Posted by bozo64r on Friday 28th December, 2012 ·
Well not really, I have been a very active member on Rogueys site, but recently I ain't done nothing! But once again i'm back!

I got a job, and now spend more time fixing PCs than playing with them 'yay'. However i still have time for X3, I started a fresh game of X3TC, this time not doing the story line, I become an Mercenary, you can make so much money!
Starting off is hard, but once you rise though the ranks, you can make 10-20 million in a couple of missions.
So I started off in the old M5, sold my Mercury (started as Humble Merchant) and set off doing missions that got you a few thousand credits, but then luck hit me like a pot of good flying towards you at light speed, a pirate had been fighting the Argon One in Argon Prime... so my doing suicide runs goes to attack this M3 (I'm an M5...) I hit him, me being the lucky sod I am ended up with 2% hull... the pirate got hit a few times and then with me crashing into him he had enough, I hear that he yields! YAY! I get an M3.
And so it carried on I slowly repaired the ship with my Repair laser and eventually got her fully upgraded, I increased through the ranks, and got myself a Skiron, there not the best but a good M6, then went onto the Daimos! OH MY what a wonderful ship, I had one when i first played X3TC and forgot how good it was. the best shields on an M7 in the game 6 x 1GJ (better than some M1 and M2) and it turned out to be really good at ramming, it did not lose much health, so when i got bored I attacked M1s and rammed then BOOM, they're gone and i'm still there and hearing 'You are being promoted'
I then bought an M2 an OTAS Boreas, I only signaled it to jump in when i needed it, it stayed in dock at the Shipyard in Legends Home most the time. Then there came a mission where I had to destory an M2, not taking risks I got the big guns out, off we go me in the M2 the computer flying the M7, both jump and start attacking this Xenon M2, we destroyed it, me happy, I was about to transfer to the M7 and all I see is the bright light of an explosion, the computer flew it in the the god damn gate ring and it got destroyed, (my fault, should not trust the computer) so me being a fair and honest person did not re-load the latest auto save, i carry on. I did not like the M2 so i sold and bought another M7

So yeah... that's an update.
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